Achieving and Maintaining Work-Life Balance

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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In reality, as you know it, the individuals who winds up working in any organizations we could consider ‘on the go’ work life is increasing. How do individuals accomplish and keep up work-life balance? Do you know how these companies and pioneers are in advance along these lines of living in their busy life? We can consider it a test, no doubt.

Consistently a large number of individuals grapple with these inquiries. In the meantime, pioneers grapple with the solutions. It is a difficult issue to manage on the grounds that the appropriate responses change.

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Considering the trend of social networks and today’s technological advancement, it is really difficult to separate your private life and work. It sometimes seems frustrating to think that achieving work-life balance is beyond possible, especially if your work consumes more of your time.

We all know that work is important, but so are other things in life, such as sleeping enough hours that your body needs, making sure that you take care of yourself, spending time with family and friends outside. Do you know how much time do Americans spend on their activities outside work? Average of the people spends 9.5 hours in their “personal care” activity, from sleeping to showering. Aside from work and personal care, the hours spent for other things such us going out and taking care of other family members only takes a few but more hours are spent in even more work.

These things mentioned above don’t mean, employees, entrepreneurs, and managers won’t be able to experience the right balance in life. Below are some ways we can do to be able to achieve and maintain the balance that we want with our work-life daily routine.

1. Know your needs. One important thing that people should consider to identify what they really want and be open about it. There’s no reason for you to hide it and it’s not an option for you to let others guess what matters to you and what makes you feel balanced and fulfilled.

Speak up when you need to leave at work on time so you can join your family dinner. Do you to go out for a while to attend to something? Whatever it is that will make you happy and will remove any stress you are dealing with, you need to be honest about it. Employees need to build that transparent communication with their leaders and leaders need to hear out and understand what can be done to make it work. Considering that we have different work nature, it is expected to have different approaches. What matters is that everyone can benefit from being transparent with each other to understand what balance means.

2. Respect limitations. There is no way for you to achieve your balance if you don’t know how to respect the limit that is taking in place. It may be inconvenient at first but you will need to get used to it to develop a routine and a predictable lifestyle. You can always find something different in what you usually do. From time to time, something unexpected can really happen. You just need to respect your limitations so others will respect your limitations as well.

3. Identify what matters. Most people might not have noticed it but there is a lot who spends too much time working on something they don’t really want. Remember, time is the most precious thing. You can’t return the time you wasted. Focus on what matters most. Evaluate yourself if you’re really doing something that drives the overall goals of the business or if you are just making no sense.

4. Enjoy the off button. Even technologies have off buttons. Make use of the opportunity for you to rest sometimes. For some people, this may be hard. For you to learn, do it slowly. Start doing things you don’t usually do. Make yourself get used to it. When you unplug and go back you will start to experience one of life’s greatest treasures — perspective. You will be able to think clearer and you will be able to give yourself freedom.

5. Set your pace. To be able to achieve healthy and happy life, with your career, you need to understand the meaning of setting your pace. There are times that you need to speed up or slow down. Being aware of yourself might be crucial at times but you need to learn doing it to enjoy your journey in life.  

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Achieving and Maintaining Work-Life Balance. (2021, Mar 27). Retrieved from