Internship Insights: Growth and Challenges at Pathways to Success

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Internship Application: Insights and Emotions from the Experience

This internship at Pathways To Success has most certainly been a learning experience. On a very basic level, it has presented new locations to explore, and on a grander scale, it has provided a glimpse of what it`s like to run a non-profit, permanent knowledge about various kinds of people, and many other topics. Not only has this internship proven to be a very insightful experience, but it has also been a very enjoyable one.

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From firsthand experience, it is possible to tell just how important this organization is and to not only to just the adolescents Pathway serves but also to Delaware.

Issues, situations, and problems that were part of the learning experience and how they addressed

There have not been many issues, situations, or problems during the internship. Duties that are assigned are carried out, research given has been underway, and any changes made to the original schedule are not a problem. The only issue encountered is when there is a lack of instructions; sometimes, some things have to be figured out, whether when to figure things out on one’s own or just to wait and find out more information before proceeding.

There has been a noticeable growth in areas such as resourcefulness and independence. Research can be difficult sometimes when something specific is being searched for; therefore, being resourceful is important so that the information in question can be found. Independence, as long as it is balanced with good judgment, is essential because it is important for someone in employment to be able to accomplish assigned tasks without depending too much on others. While they are skills that are continually getting better, two skills that still need more growth are confidence and assertiveness in large groups. If there are only three or four others in a group, that’s easy, but once there are more, finding the motivation to speak out has always been something that has been difficult because of shyness.

Application of theory

When applied, psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a theory that helps a client resolve his/her problems by a process that increases his/her awareness of his/her own inner world and how it can affect both a client`s past and present (British et al.). The theory aims at emotional and personality development. In a way, that is what Pathway does for its clientele. If one were to apply those principles of psychoanalytic psychotherapy to the work done at the organization, they would do that by analyzing how pathways help their clients. From personal observations, the members of the organization use these concepts when they interact with their students during instances when they are counseling or providing Pathway`s services. Students are often found struggling with their own problems, and the organization focuses on helping them resolve those issues. Therefore, this is an aspect of the theory that has been applied to daily activities while interning.


  1. Pathways To Success. (2023). About Pathways To Success.
  2. Smith, J. D. (2022). Internship Guidelines and Procedures. Pathways To Success.
  3. British, L., Jones, A., & Thompson, R. (2020). Understanding Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Techniques and Applications. Psychology Today Press.
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Internship Insights: Growth and Challenges at Pathways To Success. (2023, Aug 15). Retrieved from