Are Criminals Born or Made: an Analysis of Environmental and Genetic Influences

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Are Criminals Born or Made: an Analysis of Environmental and Genetic Influences

This essay will explore the debate on whether criminals are born or made, analyzing the influence of genetic factors and environmental conditions. It will discuss research in genetics, psychology, and sociology to understand the roots of criminal behavior. PapersOwl showcases more free essays that are examples of Crime.

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Many studies have been done on serial killers attempting to gain an understanding of why they kill. My question is: Are serial killers made, or are they born? I personally believe that killers are made, not born. A person’s upbringing, surroundings, and experiences can greatly influence their entire life, whether it is good or bad. Killers display some type of psychotic issues leading up to their first murder.

Genetics, Neurobiology, and the Psychopath Identity

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(Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Serial killers have committed three or more murders within days, weeks, or years. Most serial killers have had something traumatic happen during their childhood years, causing them to have a feeling of abandonment. Studies show serial killers exude odd behaviors during their childhood, bed-wetting, harming small animals, uncontrollable aggression, extreme violence, and many more. Identified serial killers who have experienced rape or molestation during these years would assault their victims before killing them.

Serial killers are often identified as psychopaths. A psychopath is defined as a mentally unstable person. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Neuroscientists have done brain scans concluding that psychopaths had low activity in areas tied to self-control, empathy, and ethics. Proving that some serial killers are genetically predisposed to aggressive behavior. Recent studies have found that violent offenders were commonly diagnosed with a neuropsychiatric disorder during their childhood and were often said to be associated with their criminality.

Due to these individuals’ lack of awareness of others’ emotions, their interpersonal relationships were negatively impacted. As a result, it is common for these individuals to engage in antisocial behaviors which have been linked to adult crime. These offenders are unable to develop strong relationships with their peers, causing them to become socially isolated and incapable of fully understanding the effects of their actions on others. Thus, it is not abnormal for these individuals to engage in more brutal crimes. Rejection and isolation seem to mask these killers from an early age into adulthood. Somehow rape and murder alleviates the loneliness and rage within them.
Studies show that serial killers choose their victims based on three things: availability, vulnerability, and desirability. Availability meaning will allow for the predator to access the victim alone. Vulnerability means the victim is in a compromising situation.

Desirability means the predator finds the victim attractive or could be based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, or body type. Studies show that some serial killers choose victims based on someone that reminds them of someone in their past that has wronged them.


In conclusion, it is fair to say that serial killers are made. They are made by the choosing of their victims, the studying lifestyles of the victims, and similarities to their past. There is no scientific evidence proving that serial killers are born. Throughout history, it is shown through multiple serial killers that they experienced something tragic in their life that caused them to kill.


  1. “The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime” by Adrian Raine
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Are Criminals Born or Made: An Analysis of Environmental and Genetic Influences. (2023, Aug 15). Retrieved from