I Want to Master in Forensic Psychology

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Updated: Jun 29, 2022
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As a kid, all I ever wanted to do was help the world become a better place. As I grew older, I started to understand more about people and how they react. I help anyone I could by doing the small things or just by listening to them sometimes. Studying psychology and figuring out the best way to help someone would be one of my greatest accomplishments. Let alone the fact that I can help in legal matters by taking my education further.

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My goals for my education are set high, I want to master in forensic psychology. Which would make me a psychologist that assists in legal matters when I graduate. I plan to apply for an internship to get experience so that I can take my career further in the future. In addition, another goal I have for myself is to become a professional soccer player with the help of the school.

William Penn University would benefit me both academically and athletically. As I’ve said, I would like to study psychology and play soccer for the school. This school is a division 1 university, meaning it can really help as a boost and also help me prepare for competitive games. I’ve had the opportunity to practice with the team in february and it’s something I am really looking forward to if I get the opportunity. Which leads to the my goal, which is to work hard both in and out of the classroom to prosper in life. In my life I’ve had a lot of people that showed me support and always told me to thrive and never quit on education, but if I had to choose the most encouraging person it would be my grandpa. Since he was a kid he’s always been a hard worker. His mom died when he was basically a toddler due to illness so he had to step up as an older brother while his dad was working to support them.

Even though he never finished school, he always encouraged his youngest siblings to do so. He helped them move to the United States and even if he didn’t come with them at first he showed support from another country. When I was born, I was basically his youngest son. He taught everything from playing soccer to fixing a car. He always took me to my soccer games and he always helped me out with school work. Now in days he can’t really help me due to his sickness and he didn’t really make it far into school but he tries to help in any way he can. He showed me hard work pays off and that I can’t give up on school because I have all the resources to do so. Something else that pushes me to do better in the sport is the fact that he’s in love with soccer. All I want is for him to see me play at a high level before he’s gone.

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I Want to Master In Forensic Psychology. (2022, Jun 26). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/i-want-to-master-in-forensic-psychology/