Divine Commands Vs. Conscience: Navigating Morality and Homosexuality
How it works
The divine command theory posits that moral values and duties are grounded in the commands of God. To believers who adhere to this theory, God's commands are inherently right, providing a clear and absolute moral framework. However, the topic of homosexuality remains a contentious issue within this framework. According to the Bible, Leviticus 18:22 states, "[Men] shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." Similarly, Leviticus 20:13 declares, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act" (Jeffress).
For followers of the divine command theory, these passages indicate that homosexual acts are deemed immoral by divine decree.
The Divine Command Theory and Homosexuality
In contemporary society, particularly in the United States, gay marriage is legally recognized and socially accepted by many. This acceptance, however, challenges the divine command theory, which bases morality on adherence to God's commands. According to this perspective, God's disapproval of same-sex unions stems from the belief that life is fundamentally about reproduction. The argument suggests that if same-sex couples cannot biologically reproduce, they deviate from what is perceived as the natural order intended by God.
The Bible's teachings on natural law imply severe consequences for those who engage in homosexual acts, yet it also offers a path to redemption. "One can be forgiven of homosexuality. One can be forgiven of any sin. But to be forgiven of sin, you must admit you have sinned" (Jeffress). This notion highlights a central tenet of divine command theory: the belief that divine forgiveness is available, but only through the acknowledgment of sin, as defined by sacred texts.
Critiques of the Divine Command Theory
Critics of the divine command theory argue that it renders good and evil subjective to God's will, creating an unpredictable moral landscape. If morality is solely dependent on God's commands, it could be perceived as a divine will to power. This view posits that since God is more powerful than any human, morality becomes a matter of divine decree, leaving little room for human moral reasoning or autonomy.
Furthermore, skeptics question why an all-powerful and all-loving God would allow evil acts, such as murder, to occur. Advocates of divine command theory counter that God does not command evil because He embodies perfect love and moral goodness. However, this raises questions about the nature of divine morality: if God is the source of all moral laws, why does He permit suffering and injustice?
The Role of Human Conscience
An alternative perspective suggests that human beings possess an innate moral compass that guides their understanding of right and wrong, independent of divine instruction. This view posits that individuals have the capacity to discern moral truths through reason and empathy, without requiring divine intervention. While God may influence moral decisions, the ultimate responsibility for ethical choices rests with individuals.
From this standpoint, moral laws are not divinely mandated but are rather a product of human reasoning and societal consensus. Human conscience, coupled with an understanding of ethical principles, provides a framework for navigating moral dilemmas. This approach advocates for a morality that is both flexible and responsive to the complexities of human life, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of ethical issues, including homosexuality.
In conclusion, the divine command theory offers a clear but rigid framework for understanding morality, grounded in the belief that God's commands define what is right and wrong. While this theory provides a sense of certainty for believers, it also faces significant challenges, particularly when grappling with contemporary issues such as homosexuality. Critics argue that morality should not be solely dictated by divine commands but should instead incorporate human reasoning and compassion. Ultimately, the question of whether morality is divinely ordained or a product of human understanding remains a profound and enduring debate. Balancing divine teachings with human conscience may offer a more comprehensive approach to navigating the moral complexities of modern life.

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Divine Commands vs. Conscience: Navigating Morality and Homosexuality. (2019, Dec 18). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/gods-view-on-homosexuality/