Forthcoming Referendum on no Smoking

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Updated: Nov 11, 2022
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Forthcoming Referendum on no Smoking Considering the impacts that a referendum can have on the progress of the state, it is safe to assume that the forthcoming referendum is likely to have many good intentions and impacts on the health of the residents of the state. For instance, in Kentucky non-smokers have continued to suffer from the effects of passive smoking. For this reason, the incoming referendum will create awareness among the members of the public regarding the health risks associated with smoking.

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One of the major things that make the forthcoming referendum very important is the high mortality rate in the state due to lung cancer. For instance, the death rate is 92.4 in Kentucky, compared with 60.4 which is the national average (Ungar, 2016).

Report shows that smoking leads to 85% of the lung cancer deaths. Not forgetting that 29% of the residents in this state are smokers when the national rate 21. In Kentucky, bars and restaurants are found in closed location. Smoke is more likely to choke the occupants, leading to monoxide poisoning. This can be avoided through an affective referendum. This can help to avoid further problems like paralysis and death to both active and passive smokers (Ungar, 2016).

Therefore, this referendum should seek to restrict the smokers in restricted smoking zones to avoid affecting non-smokers and other smokers. Currently, bars and restaurants may have distinct smoking zones but it does not certainly guarantee occupants a smokeless space because they all mingle in one area. Based on their definitions, bars offer drinking space as restaurants provide a space for dining; no place for smoking. This referendum will ensure that people who come visiting with varied intentions are protected from issues like privacy imposition, pollution, and will offer safety for women and children (Siegel et al., 2018). It will also prevent people from smoking while driving. It will keep walls and surrounding litter-free.


  1. Siegel, R. L., Jemal, A., Wender, R. C., Gansler, T., Ma, J., & Brawley, O. W. (2018). An assessment of progress in cancer control. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 68(5), 329-339.
  2. Ungar, L. (2016). Cancer kills Kentuckians at highest rate. Courier Journal Retrieved from
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Forthcoming Referendum on no Smoking. (2020, Mar 22). Retrieved from