The Wasteful Reality of Food Consumption

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Once discarded, objects often vanish from our consciousness entirely. This is particularly true when it comes to food waste, an increasingly prevalent issue in the United States. Many individuals, upon feeling full or dissatisfied with their meal, discard their food without a second thought. Rarely do people consider the myriad resources involved in the production, transportation, and preparation of the food they so casually waste. The issue of food waste is not only a local community problem but a global challenge that demands our attention and action.

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Understanding Food Waste

Jonathan Bloom's book, American Wasteland, offers a compelling exploration of the ways food is wasted and the significant impact this has on our environment and economy. Bloom argues that an astounding amount of resources and money are dedicated to producing food, yet a substantial portion of it ends up in landfills. His work highlights the disconnect between food production and consumption, and the urgent need for systemic change.

In an insightful interview, Katherine Cisneros, a merchandise manager at a local Dollar Tree, shared her thoughts on Bloom's work and the broader issue of food waste. As a merch manager, Katherine possesses a unique perspective on the food supply chain and the role of retailers in this complex system. She considers food waste a critical issue that demands collective responsibility. According to Katherine, “People that are managers or the owners of places that involve selling food, like buffets and fast food restaurants, need to be proactive in addressing food waste.” Her insights emphasize the need for businesses to adopt more sustainable practices.

Practical Solutions to Reduce Waste

During our conversation, we discussed various strategies to combat food waste, starting with individual actions. Katherine suggested that consumers should plan their grocery shopping more effectively by purchasing only what they need for the week. This not only minimizes waste but also helps save money. Regularly cleaning out food cabinets and donating non-perishable items to those in need are practical steps individuals can take to reduce their environmental footprint.

The interview also highlighted the importance of non-verbal communication. Katherine's attentive listening and expressive facial reactions underlined the emotional weight of the topic. When discussing Bloom's American Wasteland, her expressions shifted, revealing a profound connection to the issue at hand.

Institutional Initiatives

Colleges and universities are beginning to take meaningful steps towards reducing food waste through innovative initiatives. While composting programs are common, reducing food waste at its source remains a significant challenge. One effective strategy is trayless dining, which has been shown to reduce food waste significantly. As Bloom notes, “Trays in an all-you-can-eat facility reduce food waste by staggering amounts.” Institutions like Saint Joseph’s University have reported a 50% reduction in waste by eliminating trays, alongside saving water and energy.

The Global Perspective

The United States is notorious for its throw-away culture, especially regarding food. This wastefulness is, in part, driven by the relatively low cost of food compared to other countries. As Katherine poignantly observed, “There are so many countries that do not have what most of us have, especially food. Many children eat only once a day, while others waste food because they want fast food instead.” This disparity underscores the moral imperative to address food waste, not just as an economic issue but as a matter of global justice.

A Call to Action

To truly address the problem of food waste, we must shift our mindset from one of abundance to one of conscientious consumption. By becoming smarter shoppers and planning our meals more meticulously, we can significantly reduce the food we waste. Smaller, more frequent shopping trips can help ensure that we only buy what we will use, thus minimizing spoilage and waste.

Food waste affects us all, from the homeless individuals seeking food security to the families striving to make ends meet. Interviewing Katherine and reflecting on Jonathan Bloom's work has reshaped my understanding of food waste and its far-reaching consequences. American Wasteland offers a sobering reminder that while many go without, others waste with abandon. It is a call for change, urging us to recognize our shared humanity and the necessity for everyone to have access to food, regardless of their circumstances.


In conclusion, food waste is an urgent global issue that requires both individual and collective action. By implementing thoughtful strategies and embracing sustainable practices, we can begin to address this pervasive problem. The insights from Katherine Cisneros and the compelling arguments in Jonathan Bloom's American Wasteland provide a roadmap for change, challenging us to rethink our relationship with food and our responsibility to one another. As we strive for a more equitable world, reducing food waste must become a priority, ensuring that resources are utilized wisely and shared fairly across our communities.

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The Wasteful Reality of Food Consumption. (2019, May 31). Retrieved from