Fitzgerald’s Critique of the American Dream in the Great Gatsby

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Updated: Mar 27, 2025
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F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" is a quintessential novel that delves into the complexities of the American Dream during the roaring twenties. The novel paints a vivid picture of a society obsessed with wealth, status, and the pursuit of happiness, exploring the darker side of the American Dream. At its core, the book is a critique of the notion that material wealth equates to success and fulfillment. The American Dream, as depicted in "The Great Gatsby," is an unattainable illusion that leads to moral decay and disillusionment.

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This essay will explore how Fitzgerald uses his characters, setting, and symbolism to convey the futility of pursuing the American Dream, ultimately arguing that the novel serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of equating wealth with happiness and success.

Fitzgerald's characters are emblematic of different aspects of the American Dream and its inherent flaws. Jay Gatsby, the novel's enigmatic protagonist, represents the self-made man who has seemingly achieved the American Dream. He rises from poverty to immense wealth, driven by his desire to win back his lost love, Daisy Buchanan. However, Gatsby's wealth is ill-gotten, accumulated through questionable means, reflecting the moral corruption that often accompanies the blind pursuit of success. Despite his riches, Gatsby is unable to attain true happiness or acceptance among the old-money elite, highlighting the hollowness of the American Dream. Daisy, on the other hand, embodies the ultimate goal of the American Dream for Gatsby but remains a symbol of unattainable perfection. Her shallow nature and materialism underscore the emptiness of a dream centered on status and wealth. Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband, represents the old-money aristocracy, whose inherited wealth and privilege illustrate the rigid class structures that the American Dream purports to transcend but ultimately reinforces. Through these characters, Fitzgerald critiques the notion that anyone, regardless of background, can achieve success and happiness through hard work and determination.

The setting of "The Great Gatsby" further reinforces the novel's critique of the American Dream. The contrast between West Egg and East Egg symbolizes the divide between new money and old money. West Egg, where Gatsby resides, is home to the nouveau riche, who have acquired wealth but lack the social graces and pedigree of the old-money residents of East Egg. This geographical divide underscores the social barriers that persist despite the promise of the American Dream. The valley of ashes, a desolate wasteland between West Egg and New York City, symbolizes the moral and social decay that results from the relentless pursuit of wealth. It serves as a stark reminder of the cost of chasing the American Dream, as the characters' ambitions lead to the exploitation and degradation of others. The opulent parties at Gatsby's mansion, filled with extravagance and excess, further illustrate the emptiness of a life driven by materialism. Despite the grandeur, these gatherings are superficial and devoid of genuine human connection, reflecting the superficial nature of the American Dream itself.

Symbolism in "The Great Gatsby" plays a crucial role in illustrating the futility of the American Dream. The green light at the end of Daisy's dock is one of the most prominent symbols in the novel, representing Gatsby's unattainable dream and the illusion of the American Dream itself. Gatsby's longing for the green light mirrors the longing for success and fulfillment that drives the American Dream. However, just as the green light remains out of reach, so too does true happiness elude those who chase the dream. The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg, depicted on a billboard overlooking the valley of ashes, serve as a symbol of the moral decay and the loss of spiritual values in the pursuit of material wealth. These unblinking eyes watch over the characters' actions, serving as a reminder of the consequences of their blind ambition. The novel's tragic ending, marked by the senseless deaths of Gatsby, Myrtle, and George, underscores the ultimate futility and destructiveness of the American Dream. Fitzgerald uses these symbols to illustrate the hollowness and danger inherent in equating material success with personal fulfillment.


In conclusion, "The Great Gatsby" serves as a powerful critique of the American Dream, exposing its inherent flaws and the moral decay it engenders. Through his characters, setting, and symbolism, F. Scott Fitzgerald illustrates the futility of pursuing wealth and status as a means of achieving happiness and fulfillment. The novel reveals the emptiness of a dream centered on materialism and the illusion of upward mobility. Gatsby's tragic fate, along with the moral bankruptcy of Daisy and Tom Buchanan, highlights the dangers of equating financial success with personal worth. Ultimately, "The Great Gatsby" serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of the American Dream and the importance of seeking genuine human connections and moral integrity over material wealth. Fitzgerald's timeless message resonates with readers today, reminding us of the need to look beyond the superficial trappings of success and to seek a more meaningful and authentic existence.

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Fitzgerald’s Critique of the American Dream in the Great Gatsby. (2025, Mar 27). Retrieved from