East and West Egg   

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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitgerald, is a book written during the 1920’s about the American dream. It is reflective work of the time and beliefs that were installed during the time period. The author uses an immense amount of symbolism through the text to create a bigger picture.

As the story begins Fitzgerald introduces west egg and east egg. West egg is a representation of the idea of new money; while east egg is a representation of old money.

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New money is money that has been obtained in recent time. Whereas old money is money that has been part of families for multiple generations and has given these families a sort of respect. The idea of old and new money plays a great importance through the text and is seen in the way Fitgerad portrays them. He writes about how the east egg “glittered along the water”, described the houses as “white places” and said it to be “fashionable” (pg 5). Then goes on to describe west egg as the “less fashionable of the two” (pg 5). Where the characters lived and whether they had old money or new money plays an important role in the way they are treated and seen by other people.

Throughout The Great Gatsby , Fitgerald paints a multitude of things yellow: the yellow spectacles of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg, the rich cream color of Gatsby’s car, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson’s house is a yellow brick home. The yellow throughout the book is a representation of things that have come and gone, as well as death.

The eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg are framed with yellow spectacles and his eyes “brood on over the solemn dumping ground”(pg 24). These eyes watch over the Valley of Ashes and what is left behind in the pursuit of obtaining wealth. Myrtle Wilson cheats on her loving husband to be with a man who has foruten. A man who can offer her what she believes to be a better life filled with wealth. Although when she returns from her get aways with Tom, she returns to the valley of Ashes; where Eckleburg eyes watch not just Myrtle attempt to a better life filled with promise but everyone else as well and the chaos that is caused along the way. Dr. T. J. Eckleburg framed eyes with yellow spectacles watch the damage that people cause in their attempt to live in a life of luxury.

Another thing that is made yellow is the cream car that Gastby owned. This is the car that Daisy and Gatsby were in on their way to a destination that was filled with the promise of them being together or at least Gatsby thought so. On their way past the valley of Ashes Daisy ran over Myrtle, her husband’s mistress. Gatsby’s yellow car was what ultimately killed a character.

The green light at the end of the Buchanas family home is also symbolic of a goal that is never obtained( Future for potential and promise ). The American dream, and the fascination Gatsby has of getting Daisy back. Even though this green light was only across the bay from his home it was never reached. Gatsby character was a true embodiment of the American dream. Coming from poverty and a family that barely had enough to feed itself, Gatsby Believed that he was meant for greatness.

“Gatsby believed in the green Light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter – tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… And one fine morning – So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”(pg180)

Even though he had acquired immense wealth, Gatsby’s money would have never been old money. Gatsby’s new money is the reason why he never manages to get Daisy to split from her marriage with Tom.

Works Cited

Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott), 1896-1940. The Great Gatsby. New York :C. Scribner’s sons, 1925.

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East and West Egg   . (2022, Apr 14). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/east-and-west-egg/