Social Media in Liberian Security
How it works
Information dissemination is widely regarded as the lifeline of any organization, serving as a pivotal tool in eliminating doubts about organizational activities and achieving good governance. However, the potential for misuse of information dissemination, particularly through the media, poses significant risks to national security. Unscrupulous individuals can exploit this medium to spread falsehoods and undermine a nation's security. As a result, the media can be wielded to serve either positive or negative intentions concerning national security. Representing public opinion, the media plays a crucial role in societal functioning, with newspapers, radio, and television serving as primary sources of information for the public.
The Dual Role of Media
While the media is instrumental in informing the public, it is also debated that it not only selectively reports events and societal issues but actively shapes them. Since the 18th century in Europe, the media has exerted significant political influence, aiding in the revolutionization of social and political climates by critiquing governmental policies. However, this influence has not always yielded positive impacts on society. Before Africa's colonization and the spread of Western education, traditional forms of communication, such as drums, were prevalent in transmitting information understood by the targeted audience. These traditional means have significantly influenced Africa's socio-political landscape. The invention of appliances like the radio in the 20th century further facilitated the exchange of political ideas and promoted socio-political development.
Technological Advancements in ICT
The advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education, prevalent since the early 2000s, has further propelled socio-political advancement in Africa. The rapid growth of ICT has transformed the world into an informational "global village," enabling instant communication through telecommunications and satellites. The transition from analog to digital coding has facilitated the use of Wi-Fi, Infra-red, and Bluetooth in devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets, enabling functionalities such as music playback, internet communications, and gaming. As a result, social networking services have emerged as a source of concern for national security.
Social Networking and Security Concerns
Social networking services are online platforms that foster social networks or relationships among people who share common interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. Renowned social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest enable individuals to connect, share information, and build business connections. However, these platforms have also become powerful tools for criminals and insurgents to perpetrate cybercrimes. The rise of cybercrimes has become a national concern, requiring serious attention to cyber threats.
Cybercrime encompasses any criminal activity involving a computer, networked device, or network. These crimes are often profit-driven but can also aim to damage or disable computers and networks or spread malware and illegal content. Cyberspace is now integral to the contemporary information society, providing enormous information in various formats. The real concern, however, lies not only in the spread of inaccurate information but also in the mischievous intent behind such actions. The internet is no longer the exclusive domain of technically knowledgeable users; user-friendly applications like social networking sites allow all types of users, including beginners and children, to interact with ease. This new terrain presents a wealth of valuable information—and potential victims.
The Liberian Context
In Liberia, several online news sources operated in the diaspora receive information from within the country. There is also unlimited access to social media platforms, with the majority of Liberians in major cities and county capitals having access to smartphones and radios as their information sources. This increased access has heightened social media activities, capturing the government's attention. In response, the government has mandated the registration of SIM cards on national security grounds. Despite initial concerns, this decision has not negatively impacted the country. Instead, social media usage has grown, with many Liberians, especially politicians, using these platforms to express their views on the government, sometimes causing social disorder.
Challenges and Prospects
Social media's influence on a country's development and national security can be both positive and negative. Unfortunately, it is also used by criminal-minded individuals and insurgents as a tool for radicalization, recruitment, propaganda dissemination, and cybercrime. Extremists utilize chat rooms, dedicated servers, websites, and social media to solicit funds and spread their messages. These online platforms, operated by international terrorist groups or individual extremists, pose a grave danger to national security. In a democratic and pluralistic society like Liberia, where the pursuit of national security is paramount, this scenario presents a significant challenge.
In conclusion, the intricate relationship between social media and national security in Liberia presents challenges and opportunities. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach that balances the benefits of information dissemination with the need to safeguard national security. By understanding the dynamics of media influence, technological advancements, and social networking platforms, Liberia can develop strategies to harness the positive aspects of social media while mitigating its risks. This study seeks to explore these issues, offering insights into the relationship between social media and national security, and proposing strategies to enhance national security in Liberia in the digital age.

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Social Media in Liberian Security. (2021, Oct 20). Retrieved from