Educative System United State Vs Colombia

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Updated: Apr 29, 2024
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Educative System United State Vs Colombia

This essay about the educational systems of the United States and Colombia highlights their similarities and differences. It examines the decentralized nature of education in the U.S., contrasting with Colombia’s more centralized approach. The essay discusses the structure of elementary, secondary, and higher education in both countries, as well as the role of public and private schools. It also touches upon the challenges each country faces in ensuring access, equity, and quality in education.

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Teaching is an account one what pleasingly society, brings up one in arrives a generation and influences a trajectory national display. Compares one bring up the systems personnels and Colombia unite, only runs into co-operation closenesses and distinctions, that decorate tilled, history, and socio-economic contexts every country only delightful.

In actual unis, educational the landscape characterizes his variety and decentralization. With the system federal government, school politics to unit determine he in the state stages and local, drives despite substantial part changes to the picture, stallions scolaire, and obligates methods through well-assorted areas.

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U.S. structured school system in main three : stages teaching of initial letter, second-rate, and highly.

Elementary teaching and middle in actual unis usually espaces twelve stages, begins from kindergarten (5-6 age) and attained apogee in the twelfth stage (17-18 age). Compulsory education for enfants between ages 6 and 18, although requests mimiced specific age the state. A school picture concentrates he on all themes so as for example mathematical, arts English, science, and manoeuvres, insertion capes and extracurricular activities optional social. The public teaching moves he methods to unit through one local holding house, leads despite disproportions in financing between abundances and impoverished societies.

In the stage high teaching, flatters actual unis he array multiple constitutions, include universities league ivy, researches universities, colleges human sciences, and one local colleges public prestige. The high teaching characterizes his accent on freedom, interdisciplinary manoeuvres, and research academic innovation. However, access despite the high teaching can mix financial barriers, with reward the prepared educating and debt university obligation, formulates above all appeals for much from aspiring students.

In distinction from it, Colombia brings up the centralized more system, with a ministry teaching, looks after politics and stallions in the national stage. Colombia structured school system in main five : stages preschool teaching, initial letter, second-rate, tertiary, and highly. Compulsory education for enfants between ages 5 and 17, with preschool (3-5 ages) weighed a base categorical teaching.

Teaching of initial letter in Colombia usually five espaces years, completed years the AV teaching six. A school picture distinguishes on all themes so as for example mathematical, arts language, science, and public manoeuvres, with an increase concentrated on the professional teaching and technical in the second-rate stage. ? the last years, Colombia did modern educational reformed a visa at increase quality, main shareholder, and access, include initiatives, to increase the preschool teaching and to increase educating teacher.

In tertiary the stage, Colombia system the high teaching covers universities, academies, and vocational schools technological. Constitutions high teaching in Colombia offer a file academic programs vast, include the stages, certificates, and vocational training techniques professionals. However, have an access despite the high teaching remains an appeal for much from Colombia, weigh a private that person from one minor societies or rural areas.

One famous difference between one bring up the systems personnels and Colombia unite is a private role despite the public teaching. In actual unis, private schools co-ordinate an above all school natural habitat from portion, offers an alternative educational philosophy, religious instruction, and specialized programs. Private schools in actual unis move he methods through reward educating, transmissions in a gift, and holding, serves despite families, search alternatives public teaching.

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Educative System United State Vs Colombia. (2024, Apr 29). Retrieved from