Do Hard Things: a Teenage Rebellion against Low Expectations

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The book Do Hard Things: A teenage rebellion against low expectations highlights various issues related to change in young adults. The underlying discussion expounds on numerous aspects of the writing by the two authors Alex and Brett Harris. Notably, the findings provided expose significant issues that affect the approach by teenagers in rediscovery and reinvention of various methods of enjoying their youth. The discussion accentuates multiple element such as the subject, writer’s purpose, organizational structure, and primary resource. Mostly, the topics provided have a significant impact on the presentation of the pertinent issues of the book.

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Several factors and environment can lead to an upsurge of rebellion in young adults due to a potential mismatch in expectation and need to overcome mediocrity.


The title of the book in the underlying analysis is “Do Hard Things: A teenage rebellion against low expectations by ( Harris & Harris, 2016). Essentially, it is imperative to note that the two authors Alex and Brett Harris are twin brothers. In the excerpt, the authors encourage teenagers to engage in complex undertaking while young in preparation to face and overcome obstacles they face when growing up. The Adolescents need to rebel against the low expectations to reach for greatness. The authors strive to provide the readers with a glance of the possibilities for teens who have an aggressive approach to resisting the social ties that restrain their true potential. Therefore, the big idea is the need to undertake the common activities in life while the specific focus is a prerequisite for teenagers to embark on proactive actions to combat life obstacles.

Writer’s Purpose

In writing by Alex and Brett, the writers adopt a mix of different purposes; namely, description, narration, and exposition. However, the primary goal of the writers in the excerpt is narration. The authors weave a blend of biblical insights, modern examples, and history in redefining the teen years as the launching pad of their lives. The two brothers use a mix of narration and exposition in mapping out their five powerful ways that teens can respond to social and personal change (Harris & Harris, 2016). Also, with the help of the description and narration, the authors have packed the book with entertaining individual anecdotes, stories of real life revolutionaries and pragmatic examples. The adoption of the combination of different purposes helps to rally the cry from the heart of the teen revolution that is already happening in challenging a generation to lay a claim to a better and brighter future.

Organizational Structure

The authors arrangement of the book’s content appears in a logical and robust modus. The primary purpose of the provision is to ensure that the readers can progress sequentially. Main topics and subtopics organize the information: that is, the previous event leads to subsequent development. For instance, the data is arranged in order of importance because the authors began with a new introduction to ensure the readers have a better understanding of the direction of the book. Subsequently, the book offers the multifaceted variety of stories and questions to get the readers started, a list of one hundred hard things to help inspire the readers, and study guide for group or personal use (Harris & Harris, 2016). The approach ensures the readers fully understand the context of the book and apply the lessons in real life.

Primary Source Research

In the first part, the example of the primary resource research used by the authors is the story of a group of monks. According to the authors, the the outskirts of a small town in Germany, there is a small stone monastery that is home to an unusually stricts set of dundress monks. The monks live a live of persistent discomfort and self denial. They Usually choose complicated options with the least physical comfort, fun, and appeal because they have a belief that the more miserable they are, the holier they are, and the happier, God becomes. Therefore, with regards to the primary resource research, the authors do not necessarily recommend that the readers should undertake difficult things. However, the essence of a challenging endeavor is to choose an exciting option for their teen years than that which the healthy society portrays (Harris & Harris, 2016). The resource helps the readers to reach higher, grow stronger, dream bigger, quit wasting their lives, live with more joy love and honor God.


The authors have an effective in identifying the most effective ways of tackling the teens life challenges. Also, they use a mix of different purposes, namely description, narration, and exposition in accomplishing their objective. The book ensures the readers fully understand the content of the book by using main topics and subtopics. The authors are competent in using primary resource research. The research is vital in helping the teens live with more joy and aim for complex endeavors.

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Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations. (2020, Mar 11). Retrieved from