Different Ideas of Wilfred own

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Different Ideas of Wilfred own

Wilfred Owen, a renowned World War I poet, presented profound insights into the horrors of war and the human psyche. This essay would analyze Owen’s varied themes, from the brutality of warfare to the disillusionment of soldiers, offering a comprehensive look at his poetic contributions and their lasting impact. PapersOwl showcases more free essays that are examples of War topic.

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Wilfred Own uses different ideas in his poem Dulce et Decorum Est to serve as a warning to his readers. His poem is a terrible, and magnificent, description of how soldiers endured a gas attack in World War I. Wilfred Owen as presented in the poem is considered for having had a first-hand experience in the horrors of the gas attacks during this war. His poem attempts to depict how hopeless were the soldiers caught in the gas attacks. Owen describes some of the general conditions of men who were present in the war.

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He sketches how shocking is a gas attack, and then he dwells on this tragic event’s aftermath on those people who lived through it. His descriptions on how he resides on various ideas serve as a general warning to his readers.

The poet is speaking in his voice which is a method he uses to address his readers to make his appeal compelling.Own begins the poem with a description of how some soldiers were demoralized making them retreat from the battlefield’s front lines. The men as presented by Owen are fatigued and making them be worn down as captured in the poem in the line that says men marched asleep, deaf even to the boots/Of gas-shells dropping softly behind (line 78).

In another line, Owen presents the idea of a sudden gas attack when most soldiers were not aware, and soldiers went into an “ecstasy of fumbling” (line 9). They struggle to get their masks on before they could get affected by the poisoners gas. The narrator explains how they are covered by a “green sea” (line 14) of gas as he watches his comrades die in agony. The readers learn from the narrator that the images of his dying comrades can never leave his mind and that he is haunted by the sight of soldiers dying where he says the soldiers “plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning” (line 16). This gives the readers the idea of war and what war causes to people. It warns the readers of the effects of war and how it can torment the survivors.

The memory prompts the poet to offer bitter advice to the readers, especially in the final paragraph. It warns the reader about the outcome and nature of warfare and how it blinds patriotism. Owen describes his experiences in the last twelve lines of the poem. He gives the readers his experiences during the war, for example, walking behind a wagon where a dead man was placed. He sees a frozen corpse that he feels is in the twisted agony of the throes of its death.

He uses this image to warn and prevent his readers from having a notion that it is somehow noble to die for one’s country. Owen’s imagery brings the horrors of warfare to his readers. He explains these representations that warn his readers by using metaphors. He also uses graphic language to describe the scenes he remembers of the war that serves as a warning to the readers. He often heightens the reader’s awareness of the soldiers’ agony as a warning to readers when he says “we cursed through sludge” (line 2). Owen’s bitter comes in on how he uses some words to depict the death of soldiers during the war and how it should sensitize the readers on adverse outcomes of war.

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Different Ideas of Wilfred Own. (2019, Apr 21). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/different-ideas-of-wilfred-own/