Date Rape

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Date rape is a type of acquaintance rape in which there is a potential sentimental or sexual connection between the two partners at the time the sexual assault occurs. The assailant utilizes either physical or mental intimidation forcing the victim to engage in sexual relations without their consent, or when they are uncapable of consenting in light of the fact that they are either under the influence of alcohol or drugs. That being said, in this short scenario I perceive that Peter is to blame here in light of the fact that from the minute he met Sue he began to slut-shame her based on her attire and actions.

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His assumptions were very biased from the moment he laid eyes on her.

Furthermore, Peter states on his side of the story that after they kissed, they both laid in his bed. He began to assume that they would have sexual intercourse, that is why he started to undress her. Even though, Sue put a little resistance he still continued with his actions and ended up making her cry. Sue’s tears should have made him stop and realize that she didn’t want to continue and that he was the one forcing her to do so. Based on Peter’s intentions, I would have to say that he would have indulged in a sexual coercion whether the girl was conscience or not. There was no communication, if there was it would have changed the scenario and nothing bad would have happened if they both were to be honest on what their intentions were.

Both Peter and Sue used different types of rape myths, but the one that caught my attention the most was, “we drank together, she came to my room, and dressed and acted like she wasn’t a virgin.” Most men, like peter, think that woman’s’ appearance and actions are an invitation for them to have sex with us. For example, if I were to go for a jog around my neighborhood those that mean that I invite or deserve to be rape? The answer is No. Woman wearing revealing clothing, behaving provocatively, or drinking a lot does not mean that we are asking for it.

The rape culture elements that are present in this scenario is slut-shaming, which indicated that the word “slut” refers to a person who dress “promiscuously,” which Peter was certainly doing when he laid eyes on Sue. If I was in this situation there would be a couple of things I would off done differently. For instance, I would have just kept dancing and having fun with him until it was time to leave. Having said that, I wouldn’t have agreed going to his dorm, I would have just exchanged numbers and maybe meet up at a coffee shop before or after class, so we could keep getting to know each other a bit more, well that is if we were interested in me other than just to be sexually active with me. I would have also called it a night and go to my dorm with my friends. These are different types of way that I would have handled the situation, because by doing so it would help me prevent something that could change my life.

Rape is a sexual assault that involves sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person’s consent. According to FindLaw, “Florida state laws currently include rape under the offense of ‘sexual battery.’ The relevant statutes no longer give a separate legal definition of rape. To prove a rape offense, a prosecutor must establish each of the elements for sexual battery given by state law.” The age of consent is eighteen years old. It is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged seventeen or younger in Florida are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape. Florida statutory rape law is violated when a person has consensual sexual intercourse with an individual under age eighteen. Close in age exemptions exist, allowing minors aged sixteen or seventeen to engage in sexual intercourse with a partner no older than age twenty-three as reported by The Florida Age of Consent Laws 2018.

Furthermore, FindLaw also states that the punishment for rape comes from the Florida crime laws regarding sexual battery. The potential punishment depends on the age of the victim and the defendant; use of any weapons; injuries suffered by the victim; if the victim is under the age of twelve and the defendant is over the age of eighteen (capital felony, punishable by death or life imprisonment with no parole); if defendant was under eighteen years old (life felony, punishable by imprisonment for at least thirty years or life). Also, the minimum charge for sexual battery committed on a victim over the age of twelve (second degree felony, punishable by imprisonment up to fifteen years); these circumstances include the defendant’s threats or coercive acts, victim’s physical incapacity, or the victim’s physical inability to resist the sexual battery. Now, if the defendant used a deadly weapon or physical force likely to cause a serious bodily injury to victim over the age of twelve during a sexual battery, the offense becomes punishable as a life felony.

Subsequently, victims of sexual assault have a lot of tools for instance, the article “Sexual Battery” states that a victim can report the crime to law enforcement and ask the state attorney to file a criminal complaint against the offender(s). Prior to submitting a final report, the law enforcement officer should allow you to review the report and provide a statement as to its accuracy. As a victim, you have the constitutional right to be informed, to be present, and to be heard at all crucial stages of a criminal or juvenile proceeding, to the extent that this right does not interfere with the constitutional rights of the accused. When a sexual crime has occurred, law enforcement should provide or arrange for transportation to the appropriate medical facility, so you could be examined by a registered nurse or doctor. Once there, in a private area, the medical professional will conduct a head-to-toe exam checking for injuries and collecting evidence which may include a pelvic exam and taking photos. As a victim, you have the right to: say no to any part of the exam at any point; keep the exam confidential; have an advocate from a certified rape crisis center with you. A medical professional may also prescribe medications to protect you from certain sexually transmitted infections and recommend follow-up medical care.

Finally, from this short scenario I can say there is never justification for sexually assaulting someone. It’s all about making the right choices and having communication. Just remember, consent means intelligent, knowing, and voluntary consent that does not include coerced submission.

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Date Rape. (2019, Jul 24). Retrieved from