Cultural Diversity and the Back Born of the American History

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Cultural diversity highlights how unique and important everyone is, regardless of where they come from. Different cultures do not mean better or worse, just different. We need to embrace cultural diversity in all spheres of life in order to peacefully coexist in love and unity. Just like every country, America has a popular culture, sports, and national holidays. America is incredibly diverse with people from all over the world. Many Americans come from different cultural backgrounds, and that’s part of what makes America a great nation – a wonderful place to be with incredible people.

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Popular culture in America includes fashion, dance, and movies. Let’s start with fashion. America is one of the countries that are very rich in fashion, boasting some of the leading styles in the world.

The American heritage is deeply vested in fashion, including the National flag of the USA. The fashion made in the USA has a lot of selling power in the global market. American fashion played an important role in the early days of U.S. history, as citizens had to decide what it meant to dress like an “American” while the nation was still building itself from the ground up. USA citizens produced their own clothing to demonstrate their newfound independence and to become more unified as a nation, making it much more than just a means for selling American-made goods. Moreover, on dance floors, Americans have always put their best foot forward, becoming the home of hip-hop dance, tap dance and rock and roll. This includes the square dance, which is associated with the United States of America, where it is said to have originated. The dances referred to as American dances have developed through the American community.

According to American legends, dances have always been significant in the lives of Native Americans, serving both as a common amusement and a solemn duty. Many dances played different roles in religious rituals and other ceremonies, while others were held to guarantee the success of hunts, harvests, and to give thanks. They were also a key part of other celebrations. Dance continues to be an integral part of Native American culture. The dances are regionally specific and the singers usually perform in their native languages. Depending upon the dance, visitors are sometimes welcomed, while at other times, the ceremonies are private.

In addition, one cannot talk successfully about American culture without discussing movies. According to Moore, the international box office brings in billions of dollars of revenue each year for the major Hollywood studios. In today’s Hollywood, international ticket sales have a massive influence on the movies that get made and how they are marketed. When it comes to national holidays, the United States has established a number of days as national. For instance, according to, Thanksgiving Day is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed. On the Fourth of July, Americans celebrate Independence Day.

On this day, most businesses are always closed in honor of the day America became independent. Halloween is also deeply rooted in American culture as it is a celebration observed in several countries on October 31st, the eve of the Western Christian Feast of All Hallows’ Day. It begins the three-day observance of All Hallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithfully departed. In sports, America has a well-established history ranging from various games like baseball, football, and basketball. According to an article written in 1981 by Berkow, he stated that Americans loved baseball and could not imagine having a summer without it. “Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball,” Jacques Barzun, the social commentator, wrote more than a quarter of a century ago. Even war could not stop the major baseball league in America.

Basketball began with one man’s need for an indoor sport in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1891. Dr. James Naismith, who was running a winter program at the local YMCA, needed a sport that could be played inside in a relatively small area. From a soccer ball and two peach baskets, basketball was born. Since then, basketball has become one of the most popular games in America, featuring outstanding teams, including those in the NBA, among many others.

In conclusion, popular culture, sports, and national holidays are the backbone of American history. The American lifestyle revolves around them and needs to be given the respect it deserves due to the rich history that America has experienced in the past.

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Cultural Diversity And The Back Born Of The American History. (2022, Aug 19). Retrieved from