Critical Thinking: Powerful Leadership and Influencing Others

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Although I do not wear a badge displaying “CEO,” or a jeweled crown to show my superiority, I am still a person who holds an influential role. Whether one cares to acknowledge the effects one’s actions contain, or who is around to witness the cause-and-effect along with the aftermath and what can be learned from these scenarios, there is always someone watching and learning from the things you say and do. As for myself, the reward comes into play when you get the opportunity to measure the sincerity of your team members.

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To actually see firsthand people who learned by watching you, trusting in you, and now applying the ethical standards you strived for all members to value, and stepping up to the frontline.

Each challenge will bring your purpose and intelligence under the microscope, yet it will leave no question unanswered. In previous articles, establishing skills as a powerful leader and having flawless execution were viewed with understanding and applied in learning exercises. Understanding the gears that run leadership skills will open new foundations and bridge communication within your network. These elements include: having a well-articulated vision, displaying consistency, and exhibiting accountability. This article will clarify the key concepts associated with each of these elements and articulate the value each carries for continuous improvement within your network.


Powerful leadership cannot exist without a vision. This element is the core of an organization: how it was made, the network’s growth, and, most importantly, the people that made it happen. Once your network has all the components to keep itself running, working on new ideas and planning for future changes will be like clockwork. The vision of the “big picture” is much more than a “poster on the wall.” This element is rather instilled in the leader’s mission and becomes a natural behavior throughout its structure. A lot of what makes an influential leader is not observed in that leader but rather the impressions that are left on one’s followers (Kooskora, M., 2010). A vision comes from what a leader can put into action, with long-term, positive results.


Results are what everyone is looking for when examining a team’s performance.

Consistency is a major part of teamwork, ideally delegated by higher authority. Incorporating values into the work completed by members will make the work environment predictable in terms of manners, and this will show in productivity. As you will soon realize, all of the elements that hone the skills great leaders possess work like the gears on a bike or the circuits on a motherboard; they work together. When customers see that a product or service is of good quality, deliveries are always on time, and feedback exceeds expectations, those customers will trust and stand by your name, and recommend your services.


To carry out the vision in an organization, it takes a team effort. It’s not just about teamwork, but the quality of work, time and time again. To effectively lead an organized network, the ethical leader walks the line they want others to follow. Leading by example is the best way to ensure an ethical business (Younger, H., 2019). Of course, an organization must adhere to a specific policy when enforcing disciplinary action. Owning up to actions that may not have had the desired outcome is a lesson every superior must learn about facing and handling every circumstance with integrity. This type of ethical reasoning shows members how mistakes should not interfere with any aspect of production or services within the assembly. Honest mistakes could perhaps be useful if applied in different settings or used as examples to avoid problems that occur in future circumstances. Good mentors are those who hold you accountable and bring out the best in you. Their advice, influence, and support elevate those they mentor (Meyers, C., 2017).

As you can see, every element is accomplished or incorporates teamwork. How would it sound to be accountable for consistency at a visionary conceptualized network? Is that overboard? There is no such thing as “overboard,” just as there is never a “bad” idea. Henry Ford once said, “Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can’t, you’re right.”

Kooskora, M. (2010). From Theory to Practice: How Does Business Ethics Matter? University of Jyvaskyla Press, pp. 112-126.
Meyers, C., (2017). Why falling under the influence of an anti-mentor is the worst career mistake you can make. Forbes. August 13, 2017.
Younger, H. (2019). Customer Fanatix. Journal Entry, June 2019, pp. 113.

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Critical Thinking: Powerful Leadership And Influencing Others. (2022, Aug 17). Retrieved from