Correlation between Selfies and the Ability to Make Strategic Decisions
The purpose of this experiment was to find whether there was any correlation between selfies and the ability to make strategic decisions. The surveys were distributed to 100 high school students in John Bowne High School. After the completion of the surveys, the information was assessed to mainly see how many selfies were taken and how many points the student acquired for each question. The maximum number of points a student was able to obtain for each question was 5. Each of the choices are converted to numbers.
The Strongly Agree choice was converted to 5, Agree choice is converted to 4, Neither Agree nor Disagree choice was converted to 3, Disagree choice was converted to 2 and Strongly Disagree choice was converted to 1. Then, the number of selfies and number of points was recorded for each survey. Based on the data, it was shown that there was indeed a correlation between selfies and the ability to make strategic decisions. From a comparison between the results of the amount of selfies taken with the ability to make strategic decisions, the results concluded that our hypothesis was correct, in which there is a positive correlation between selfies and the ability to make strategic decisions. The results indicated that a higher number of selfies connoted that there was an increase in the student's ability to make strategic decisions. Moreover, through this study I will be able to gain a better understanding and different perspective of how selfies can affect our day to day habits such as strategic decision making.
A selfie is a photograph of yourself, taken by yourself. Individuals can post their selfies through social media platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and etc. Selfies are a common way for one to express their emotions. A few journalists have criticized that taking selfies is an indication of narcissistic behavior because people tend to give an inordinate amount of attention to their appearance in their photos, which in the long term can build a habit where they only see themselves. For instance, researchers have indicated that an addiction to taking selfies may cause individuals to develop narcissistic behaviors and may negatively affect their relationships with others (Fox & Rooney, 2015; Weiser, 2015).
In contrast to the negative aspects of selfies, studies have shown that selfies can exhibit positive effects. For example, a study showed that the use of social media platforms served as a tool in which people were able to give positive feedback on someone's profile and that this positive feedback on the profiles enhanced adolescents' social self-esteem and well-being (Valkenburg, et al., 2006). In addition, studies have shown that selfies are commonly taken in order to boost one's confidence and self-esteem due to low self-esteem levels (Varnali, 2015).
It has been shown that confidence and self esteem indeed play a role in strategic decision making. In a study where the researchers examined differences between entrepreneurs and managers in large organizations with respect to two biases and heuristics: overconfidence (overestimating the probability of being right) and representativeness (the tendency to overgeneralize from a few characteristics or observations), it was found that the overconfidence variable correctly categorized entrepreneurs and managers more than 70% of the time (Busenitz and Barney 1997).
In this fast-changing and complex world, everyone is faced with a mass number of problems that may require quick decision making. To determine the ability of one's decision making, the survey aimed to the respondent's report of his/her ability to make sound decisions and judgments. This survey was adapted from the National Evaluation of Youth Corps: Findings at Follow-up (2011), where it is was used for a national study of Youth Corps programs receiving federal funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service.
Evidence has shown that there exists a correlation between self-esteem and selfies, as well as a correlation between self esteem and strategic decision making. With this, we can say that there may exist a correlation between selfies and the ability to make strategic decisions. Hence, this study aims to study the relationship between the number of selfies and one's ability to make strategic decisions.
In order to determine one's ability to make strategic decisions, a study was conducted to investigate the correlation between selfies and the ability to make strategic decisions. By conducting this experiment, we can better understand the correlation between selfies and strategic decisions that may lead to better ways to improve strategic decision making. Also, there have been no previous studies that focused on the subject of selfies and the ability to make strategic decisions.

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Correlation Between Selfies and the Ability to Make Strategic Decisions. (2019, Feb 13). Retrieved from