Core Tenets of Islam: an Overview of Main Beliefs

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Updated: Jul 06, 2024
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Core Tenets of Islam: an Overview of Main Beliefs

This essay is about the core beliefs of Islam focusing on its foundational tenets and practices. It explains the concept of monotheism in Islam emphasizing the oneness of Allah. The essay outlines the Five Pillars of Islam: Shahada (declaration of faith) Salah (prayer) Zakat (charity) Sawm (fasting during Ramadan) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). It also touches on other essential beliefs including faith in angels divine scriptures prophets the Day of Judgment and divine predestination. These elements collectively guide the spiritual ethical and communal aspects of a Muslim’s life aiming to create a balanced and just society.

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Islam one of the world’s major religions is all about beliefs that shape the lives of over a billion folks worldwide. It’s centered on monotheism meaning there’s just one God called Allah. This idea of Tawhid is super important—it means Allah’s the only one no sharing with others. Muslims think Allah created everything knows everything and should be obeyed in every part of life.

The Quran Islam’s holy book and the Hadith which has what Muhammad said and did are the main guides for Muslims.

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They believe the Quran’s literally Allah’s words to Muhammad who’s the last of a long line of messengers like Abraham Moses and Jesus. The Hadith explains more about what’s in the Quran helping Muslims live by its teachings.

The Five Pillars are key to practicing Islam. First up is Shahada where folks declare their faith that Allah’s the only God and Muhammad’s His messenger. It’s a simple but big deal—it’s how someone joins Islam.

Next is Salah praying five times a day facing Mecca’s Kaaba. These prayers show devotion and discipline keeping Muslims connected to Allah throughout the day.

Zakat’s the third Pillar. It’s about giving part of your money to help folks who need it. This isn’t just charity; it’s about purifying your soul and being responsible in your community.

Sawm the fourth Pillar means fasting during Ramadan—from sunrise to sunset no eating or drinking. It’s a time to think grow closer to Allah and feel for those who don’t have enough. At the end Eid al-Fitr’s a big celebration.

Last is Hajj where every Muslim who can should make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their life. It’s a chance to worship with folks from all over dressed alike in simple white clothes.

Besides the Pillars Islam’s about believing in angels holy books prophets like Muhammad and a final judgment day where everyone’s judged for what they did. Muslims also believe Allah knows everything that happens and gives people the freedom to choose within His plan.

These beliefs and practices make up Islam’s foundation guiding how Muslims live and treat others. They aim for a balanced fair world staying close to Allah doing good and making their community better.

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Core Tenets of Islam: An Overview of Main Beliefs. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from