Claude Mckay and his Poems

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Updated: Jun 22, 2022
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bookClaude Mckay was born in 1889 in Jamaica. Then later moved to New York. He was able to do this with award money that he got from the Jamaican Institute of Arts. Some of his famous poems are “Birds of prey”, “Enslaved”, and “If We Must Die”. Claude Mckay was one of the best and most popular poets of all time.

Mckay was born in Jamaica but moved to New York City with award money from an art school. His dad was a peasant and his brother was a teacher.

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One huge obstacle that Claude Mckay faced was racism. This topic played a big part in his poetry. He was a Catholic and a socialist, as well as a generally happy person.

He started writing in 1912 and he was influenced and inspired by his family. A big theme in his poetry is racism in America. He got one award from the Jamaican institute of arts. He used that money to move to a new york city. In conclusion, Claude Mckay had a very successful career.

One of Claude Mckay’s most successful poems is Enslaved. The subject of the poem is racism and Claude Mckay is passionate about the subject. The meaning of racism is when you think that one race is superior to another. The format is an abab rhyme pattern. Some elements in the poem are talking about racism. One example of a figure of speech is “the dark depths”. I can infer that one reason Claude Mckay wrote this poem is because he is African American so he is more emotional about this subject. I don’t know the process of writing the poem. Another successful poem was If we must die. The subject of this poem is how Claude Mckay doesn’t want to die without a fight. He feels strongly about this subject. The format consists of every other line rhyming. One element in the poem is not going down without a fight. One example of figures of speech is. “let it not be like dogs”. Not going down without a fight means that he doesn’t want to die without trying to stay alive. I don’t know the process to write the poem. In conclusion, he had some very successful poems.

In conclusion, Claude McKay had a very successful career. He also moved to the U.S. at a young age and struggled with racism. Hhis political views as a socialist and his religious views played a big part in his poems. He also had 2 huge poems which are “Enslaved” and “Iif Wwe Mmust Ddie.” In conclusion, Claude Mckay is still many people’s favorite poet today. 

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Claude Mckay And His Poems. (2022, Jun 22). Retrieved from