Christopher Columbus: the Controversial Figure who Shaped the New World

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Updated: Jul 06, 2024
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Christopher Columbus: the Controversial Figure who Shaped the New World

This essay is about Christopher Columbus and his significant yet controversial role in history. It discusses how his voyages in 1492 initiated the Age of Exploration opening new geographical horizons and leading to the Columbian Exchange. This exchange profoundly impacted both Europe and the Americas introducing new crops and devastating diseases. The essay also addresses the darker aspects of Columbus’s legacy including the violence and exploitation of indigenous populations. It highlights the evolving perspectives on Columbus noting the shift from celebrating Columbus Day to recognizing Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Ultimately the essay underscores Columbus’s pivotal role in shaping the modern world and the complexities of his historical impact.

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Christopher Columbus is a big deal in history but he’s also someone people can’t agree on. His trips across the Atlantic starting in 1492 weren’t just about finding new lands—they set off a whole bunch of arguments that still go on today. To figure out why Columbus matters we gotta look at what he did the huge impacts of his journeys and the mixed feelings folks have about him.

First off Columbus is a major player because he kickstarted the Age of Exploration.

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Back when Europe didn’t know much about the Americas Columbus sailed west under Spain’s flag. He hoped to find a quicker way to Asia for trade and gold. Instead he landed in the Caribbean which totally changed world history. This accidental find didn’t just show new lands; it sparked off tons more exploration and takeovers by other European countries.

The results of Columbus’s trips were massive and wide-reaching. His adventures led to a big trade-off between the Old World (Europe and Asia) and the New World (the Americas). This swap—called the Columbian Exchange—moved goods ideas plants animals and even diseases all around. It had good parts like bringing potatoes tomatoes and corn to Europe which totally shook up diets and farming. But it also brought bad stuff like smallpox which wiped out lots of Native Americans. This mix led to major changes in culture and life for Native American communities.

Columbus’s legacy isn’t all sunshine though. His actions and their results have a dark side. When Columbus first met Native Americans things got violent and unfair fast. He and his crews set up harsh rules and forced Native Americans into tough jobs or worse punishments. This started a trend that lasted for years where European folks took advantage of and enslaved Native Americans leading to a long history of suffering and mistreatment.

Even with all this Columbus is still a big name. He shows how people are always itching to explore and go beyond what’s known. He’s a symbol of curiosity and ambition which was a huge deal back then. His trips also proved that the world is super connected and they showed how big the effects of meeting new people can be even if it’s not always a good thing. Some folks see Columbus as a brave explorer who opened new doors but others see him as the start of European takeover and all the bad stuff that came with it.

The way people remember Columbus has changed over time as folks think more about what his actions meant for Native Americans. In the U.S. Columbus Day has been a thing since 1937 celebrating his place in history and honoring Italian-Americans. But recently more places are saying “no thanks” to Columbus Day and instead celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day. This new day honors Native Americans and their strength and contributions.

In the end Christopher Columbus is a big deal in history with a story that mixes exploration takeovers sharing cultures and changing the world. His legacy shows both the best parts of people wanting to explore and the worst parts of what happens when different cultures meet. As we think about what Columbus did it’s important to see both sides and remember how his actions still affect Native American communities today.

So Christopher Columbus isn’t just a name in a history book—he’s a big part of why our world looks like it does today for better and for worse.

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Christopher Columbus: The Controversial Figure Who Shaped the New World. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from