Buddhism Vs Christianity

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Religion is one of the most valued things in human society. It is what constitutes a country, group or society of individuals together. Although, in other cases it brings up problems and destroys unity between people. Religion is the belief that humans have in a divine entity which controls the Universe. In multiple religions, there is more than one of these godlike entities. Every religion has differences between each other, but the most part of them look for right morals and justice in life.

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The topic of this essay is the differences between the Asian religion Buddhism and Christianity and the similarities as well corresponding the divine law: Justice, Reward and Punishment. The way Buddhist approaches justice starts with how individuals behave. They are based in the moral law of Karma, to which they relate everything that happens in their life and in which good actions generate positive consequences and bad actions negative ones. Since it is centered on the monastery, Buddhism has based itself from the five precepts of good conduct (not commit sexual wrong, not to kill, not partake of intoxicants, and not to steal or lie) and it acknowledges the existing political regime (doesn’t go against it).

The people who rule in this society, in the other hand, often patronize the sangha, giving a lot of protection and resources, in exchange for the blessing of the monks. These arrangements started a very long time ago, when Ashoka was the King of the Indian subcontinent King in the third century BCE and continues through many democratic and autocratic regimes in countries where Buddhism is the dominant religion. For the last twenty years, South-East Asia has grown the social engagement of Buddhism (mostly in countries like Burma, Vietnam and Cambodia).

Now that we know more about the way justice works in Buddhism, I will explain how the Biblical justice works (Christianity point of view). Justice in Christianity involves making the entire universe (groups and communities, individuals and the cosmos whole) by remaining impartial and goodness. Christianity is considere a true helpful religion for those who need it, according to James, who says that the kind of “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27). In previous scriptures, me mentions as well, “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern” (Prov. 29:7).

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Buddhism Vs Christianity. (2020, Feb 07). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/buddhism-vs-christianity/