Christian Symbolism and Anglo Saxon Epic Poetry

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Christian Symbolism and Anglo Saxon Epic Poetry

This essay will explore the interplay of Christian and pagan elements in the epic poem “Beowulf.” It will discuss how these religious perspectives are intertwined in the narrative and their significance in the context of the poem’s historical and cultural background. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Beowulf.

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Divine protection guides pagan hero Beowulf through monster-haunted nights. This acknowledgment of a higher power is exemplified when Beowulf recounts his battle with Grendel’s mother to the Danes, stating, "The fight would have ended straightaway if God had not guarded me" (115.1658-1659). This sentiment is reinforced when he expresses that "most often He has guided the man without friends" (115.1661-1662). These lines reveal a recurring theme in the poem: divine intervention as the foundation for all of Beowulf's actions. However, this divine favor is not unconditional; it must be earned through righteous behavior, suggesting that goodness and piety lead to divine protection throughout one's life.

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Earthly Rewards as Divine Gifts

The poem also emphasizes that all earthly goods—wealth, power, and success—are granted through divine grace. This is vividly illustrated when Beowulf, preparing to battle Grendel’s mother, discovers a magnificent sword in her cave. Rather than crediting his own luck, Beowulf attributes this find to divine providence: "But the Wielder of Men granted me that I should see hanging on the wall a fair, ancient great-sword." After the battle, Hrothgar reinforces this idea by reminding Beowulf that all possessions, including kingship, are bestowed by divine grace. The story of Heremod, a king who falls due to pride and selfishness, serves as a cautionary tale. Hrothgar warns Beowulf that Heremod had "turned away from the joys of men, alone, notorious king, although mighty God had raised him in power." This suggests that true success is not self-made but granted by a divine force, and it can just as easily be taken away.

The Balance of Humility and Pride

The tension between humility and pride is a central theme in "Beowulf," reflecting the poem's Christian underpinnings. Beowulf is a hero who, despite his frequent boasting, exhibits humility and wisdom. The poem frequently warns of the dangers of pride, as exemplified in the line, "until his portion of pride increases and flourishes within him; then the watcher sleeps, the soul's guardian; that sleep is too sound, bound in its own cares." This warning against hubris echoes the Christian value of humility. Interestingly, it is Beowulf's pride and confidence that fuel his heroism and enable him to perform great deeds—qualities revered in both pagan and early Christian contexts.

Despite this inherent tension, Beowulf manages to embody a harmonious blend of humility and pride. This balance is exemplified in the episode of "The Further Celebration at Heorot," where Beowulf returns the sword Hrunting to Unferth. Although the sword failed in battle, Beowulf does not criticize it. Instead, he praises it, demonstrating his capacity for humility and generosity: " his words, he found no fault at all with the sword's edge; he was a thoughtful man." Beowulf emerges as an ideal hero—a warrior with the valor of pagan tradition and the selflessness of Christian ideals.


In conclusion, the Christian allusions in "Beowulf" are instrumental in shaping the epic's narrative and its characters' development. By intertwining pagan heroism with Christian virtues, the poem offers a nuanced portrayal of its protagonist, who embodies both the martial values of his time and the humility and piety associated with Christianity. This synthesis of Christian and pagan elements not only enriches the narrative but also provides insight into the cultural transition of the period. Through divine protection, the attribution of success to divine grace, and the delicate balance between humility and pride, "Beowulf" becomes a profound exploration of the human experience, reflecting the complex interplay of faith and heroism.

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Christian Symbolism and Anglo Saxon Epic Poetry. (2021, Apr 15). Retrieved from