Behind the Scenes of ‘Monster’: an Intimate Look at Walter Dean Myers’ Groundbreaking Novel

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Updated: Nov 24, 2023
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When Walter Dean Myers penned “Monster,” he wasn’t just writing another book; he was painting a raw, unfiltered picture of the American justice system and its impact on a young African American teenager, Steve Harmon. This 1999 novel isn’t your typical read. It’s an intricate dance of narrative styles, a blend of a screenplay and diary entries that pulls you into Steve’s world, making you question the very notions of guilt and innocence.

Let’s start with the unique narrative technique Myers employs.

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Imagine a novel that reads like a movie script, interspersed with glimpses into the protagonist’s deepest thoughts and fears. That’s “Monster” for you. This narrative choice does more than just make the book stand out; it cleverly mirrors the central theme of perception versus reality. As Steve, the protagonist, is on trial for a serious crime, you can’t help but notice the stark contrast between how he is portrayed in the courtroom and who he reveals himself to be in his diary. It’s this duality that Myers masterfully uses to engage the reader, making you ponder over how quickly society is to label someone a ‘monster.’

Then there’s the character of Steve himself. Myers doesn’t just create a character; he breathes life into Steve, making him a living, breathing individual with hopes, fears, and dreams. As you read, you feel Steve’s anxiety, his desperation, and his confusion. It’s not just a story about a trial; it’s a journey through a teenager’s psyche as he navigates a world that’s ready to judge him at every turn.

But “Monster” is more than just a compelling narrative and a well-developed character. It’s a mirror reflecting societal issues, particularly the experiences of young African American males within the American judicial system. The book doesn’t shy away from the hard questions. It delves into the presumption of innocence (or the lack thereof), the impact of racial and social backgrounds on legal outcomes, and the deep-seated biases that shape our perceptions of guilt. Reading “Monster,” you’re not just entertained; you’re invited to confront uncomfortable truths about our society.

And let’s not forget the impact of this novel in the world of young adult literature. “Monster” broke new ground, offering young readers a gritty, realistic look at serious social issues without patronizing or sugar-coating the reality. It’s a book that respects the intelligence and maturity of its audience, challenging them to think critically about the themes it explores.

In essence, Walter Dean Myers’ “Monster” is a powerful, thought-provoking novel that goes beyond the boundaries of traditional young adult literature. It’s a poignant exploration of identity, justice, and the complexities of the human experience. Reading it, you’re not just flipping through pages; you’re getting an intimate look into a world that’s often misunderstood and misrepresented. Myers doesn’t just tell a story; he invites you to question, to reflect, and to understand – and that’s what makes “Monster” a truly remarkable read.

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Behind the Scenes of 'Monster': An Intimate Look at Walter Dean Myers' Groundbreaking Novel. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from