An Analysis of the Healthcare Policy

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Healthcare policy evaluation is an activity or approach created to attain a specific purpose in society. A policy outlines a vision, priorities, and the roles of different groups in its implementation. Additionally, it can be used to curtail diseases that affect individuals, such as obesity. Obesity is a health issue that affects a significant number of Americans, particularly the younger generation (Marmor, 1994). Maryland, a state in America, has developed a strategy to combat obesity by implementing a healthcare policy that is vital to its citizens.

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One of the identified plans was taking action at the individual level based on the social-ecological model, which provided support to citizens. Consequently, they started monitoring their Body Mass Index (BMI) (Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2002). They also focused on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, thereby helping individuals understand their weight progression over time (Almgren, 2007). This knowledge enables them to participate in physical weight loss programs, such as regular exercise and reducing fatty food intake, which prevents weight gain in the long run. Maryland raised awareness by installing scales in health centers, allowing individuals to monitor their weight, regardless of whether they were ill. Once a person has checked their BMI, advice is provided through various media and social connections. People can then compare their weight and height. This initiative received a positive response in the state by educating people about maintaining their health.

The social-ecological model has produced outstanding results since individuals can comprehend the implications of their weight. Several people have developed plans to improve their diet and physical activity, ultimately normalizing their BMI (Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2002). Maryland has also embraced a national health policy on obesity by incorporating a healthy weight program (Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2002). This policy provides guidelines on weight loss and obesity prevention. The effectiveness of this policy is assessed by monitoring the BMI over time. Health centers have checklists, particularly for individuals with weight issues, and questionnaires and mail posts are sent to individuals (Mason, 2007).

This approach enables the state health department to collect accurate information necessary for policy evaluation and review. Policies for taking action at the family and community levels have also been established (Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2002). As part of the social-ecological model, these policies are widely accepted. They emphasize the need to monitor children’s BMI and promote physical activity to help them lead a healthy lifestyle and combat obesity. The program also includes guidelines for nursing children towards healthy growth, which could affect their BMI. Parents are provided with tips to help children maintain a healthy body and prevent obesity, which could impact them later in life.

After a family member’s degree, community recognition is gauged through participation in area programs that highlight the problem of excessive weight. Through collaboration, better strategies can be created, since it is easy to compile the ideas of many individuals through discussions and seminars. This policy’s efficacy is easily measured as community members’ responses to health programs are typically given during meetings and gatherings. Professionals receive support from the community and can then evaluate the situation and its challenges in the fight against obesity.

Consequently, the strategy of acting on the individual, familial, and community levels simplifies the task of gaining most citizens’ approval and support. The structure that mainly focuses on the outcomes is termed the PRECEDE-PROCEED model (Maryland Department of Health and Mental Health, 2002). Other methods of combating obesity include levying high taxes on sweets and beverages that contribute to the problem. It is evident that sweets and fatty foods are the primary causes of obesity. By imposing heavier taxes on these items, their price increases, resulting in less consumption over time.

The policy confirms that complications arising from obesity have created a fiscal burden for the governmental health sector. This burden has compelled the government to enact policies aimed at reducing this societal issue. Policy experts contend that obesity thrives in low-income communities, where poor dietary habits are prevalent (Folland, 2007). To address this, measures have been proposed to provide farmers with subsidies to boost food production, particularly items low in sugar and fat. This ensures lower cholesterol level, aiding in curbing obesity issues. The policy also promotes healthy physical activities like cycling and walking, and encourages the provision of nutritious meals to children in schools.

It is evident that the taxation of obesity-inducing food items will have a positive impact. Food manufacturers will be compelled to alter product ingredients and produce food items with lower fat content. The impact of this policy is easily measured by examining the consumer market index. This is achieved by selecting a specific product and evaluating its influence on the body mass index of individuals who have undergone the fat-free food regime, by switching to other inexpensive but healthy food alternatives.

The plan that encompasses the social-ecological design is comprehensive, addressing wellness concerns. It focuses on individuals taking care of themselves and offers guidance on maintaining the body mass index at an optimal level. The tax scheme may be somewhat reliable; although taxing certain foods does not necessarily prevent their purchase, it can marginally reduce the sale of these items. Nevertheless, the most effective approach is to foster awareness about the implications of obesity and devise proactive strategies (Herzlinger, 2007). This could involve taking action at individual, familial, and community levels, thereby encouraging individuals to understand their body mass index and find ways to combat obesity. It is straightforward to monitor and evaluate this healthcare policy and its efficacy. Tracking can occur after implementing the plan using internal controls and benchmarks, which serve as comparative standards. These benchmarks assess the policy’s value and its success in achieving its objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a policy analysis in public health?

When it comes to public health, conducting a policy analysis is essential for evaluating the possible consequences of a suggested policy on the overall health of the community. This analysis may involve examining the feasibility and practicality of implementing the policy, weighing its benefits and drawbacks, and determining its impact on public health outcomes.

What is an example of a policy analysis?

A policy analysis comprehensively evaluates a specific policy, including its design, implementation, and impact on individuals and institutions. The analysis may consider the policy’s effectiveness, feasibility, and potential consequences, both intended and unintended. It may also involve identifying potential areas for improvement or revision to achieve the desired outcomes.

How do you write a public policy essay?

The process of writing a public policy essay will vary depending on the specific topic and assignment. However, some general tips can help you produce a high-quality essay. First, be sure to read and understand the assignment instructions carefully. Next, develop a strong thesis statement articulating your position on the issue.

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An Analysis of the Healthcare Policy. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from