Abstinence Versus Comprehensive Methods
Teenage pregnancy is defined as pregnancy among young girls age of 19 years and younger. A phrase that is used to draw attention to this behavior is children having children. Teenage pregnancy leads to adolescents raising children before they are emotionally or financially ready. Teenage pregnancy has one of the highest increasing rates. There are many factors that play a part. These major factors are as followed drugs and alcohol abuse, low socioeconomic status, peer pressure, media influence and education. Should we be teaching sex education or sex abstinence?
Recently a major debate has been abstinence-only versus comprehensive sex education method.
Abstinence has been the curriculum for sex education for decades. Abstinence programs are funded through the government. “In 1996, the federal government attached a provision to a major welfare reform law establishing a program called Title V that provides up to $50 million annually in grants to states for abstinence-only programs” ( Magill, E ). The central message of abstinence is to delay sexual activity until marriage. It teaches children the exclusive purpose, psychological, and health gains of abstaining from sexual activity. Abstinence from sexual activity is the expected standard for all children. Not only is abstinence the only certain way to avoid pregnancy, it also prevents all STDs, and associated health problems This is a great goals for young girls and boys. Abstinence programs are not allowed to contain information on contraception or safe practices. A failure of the program when we don’t provide all the information.
Realistically children don’t learn with half the information being withheld. This only leads to more questions. Comprehensive sexual education is abstinence based but not leaving out the unanswered questions. Comprehensive education includes but not limited to abstinence. It is rights-based and gender –focused. It includes not only scientific accurate information about human development, anatomy, and reproductive. It also contains information about contraception, childbirth and STDS that is left out in abstinence only method. “Some argue that sex education that covers safe sexual practices, such as condom use, sends a mixed message to students and promotes sexual activity” (Stanger-Hall, Kathrin F., et al).
Comprehensive method does not encourage teens to have sexual activities, but simply an effective prevention program by informing teens on knowledge. Giving more education on a matter is a result of well-educated not undereducated. The data has shown the children having children are mostly undereducated. “By the age of 20, around 90% of young people will be sexually active so they all need effective SRE (sex and relationship education) and access to contraceptive and sexual health services to help them look after their sexual health” ( Hadley, A., O.B.E., & Evans, D. T.). The most important kind of education is to teach in many different forms with details of every factor. All schools need to teach proper use of contraceptives. Young girls and boys should be issued contraceptives in school. This is not promoted education but prevention education. Many different classes are helpful. Child development should also be required to all students. This helps demonstrate the long term results for teenage pregnancy.
Remember, boys and girls are very curious about many things changing in their lives. All information is needed to be unlimited. The more information given to young girls and boys, the better the results are. If information is being left out or avoided this may result in curiosity taking over.
Teenage pregnancy has always been a problem in society. The ultimate goal is to not abolished teenage pregnancy but to correctly educated all matters and effects of sexual activities. This sex education information needs to be broad not narrow.
Works Cited
- Hadley, A., O.B.E., & Evans, D. T. (2013, Nov). Teenage pregnancy and sexual health. Nursing Times, 109, 22-7. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.library.csn.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.library.csn.edu/docview/1464953154?accountid=27953
- Magill, E 2012, Pregnancy Information for Teens : Health Tips About Teen Pregnancy and Teen Parenting: Including Facts About Prenatal Care, Pregnancy Complications, Labor and Delivery, Postpartum Care, Pregnancy-related Lifestyle Concerns, the Emotional and Legal Issues of Teen Parenting, and More, vol 2nd ed, Teen Health Series, Omnigraphics, Inc, Detroit, viewed 11 April 2019, ..
- Stanger-Hall, Kathrin F., et al. “Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S (Abstinence Education and Teen Pregnancy).” PLoS ONE, vol. 6, no. 10, 2011, p. e24658.

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Abstinence Versus Comprehensive Methods. (2021, Apr 16). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/abstinence-versus-comprehensive-methods/