A Persuasive Essay on Anti-Bullying: Empowering Change

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Teen Activists: Overcoming Struggles to Ignite Change

Teen activists are a big part of the world of activism. But to understand the problem that they are helping out with, a lot of teen activists have gone through the thing they are supporting. For example, Alex Libby was threatened, Emily-Anne Rigal was made rumors about, and Malala was even shot. But they all stand up to the problems that they have faced.

Confronting Bullying and Transforming Trauma

Alex Libby was a normal, happy kid throughout elementary school, but once he got into middle school, everything changed.

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Alex said that “in middle school, it’s all about popularity” and that he was not. For not being popular, he got the undeserved punishment of being called “fish face”; he got threats to break his bones, sexually assault him, and even kill him. Since Alex couldn’t take it anymore, he and his family moved to a new school district. At his new school, he had friends, got along with teachers, and, most importantly, wasn’t bullied. Now Alex works with the anti-bullying program; I Stand For The Silent. He is a big influencer and does a lot for ISFTS to help other kids. Emily-Anne Rigal used to be bullied too. She was made rumors about, and no friends, and got bullied so badly that she also had to go to a new school like Alex.

But now, Emily-Anne is very successful, is living her best life as a freshman at Columbia University, and is a big part of the anti-bullying program, WeStopHate. Emily-Anne has spoken about her struggles and achievements in the Seventeen Magazine body peace breakfast and at 2012 we are family foundation gala. She also has plans to create a bully button on Facebook that can immediately report someone for bullying is pressed. Anyways now she’s doing great and is a big part of the anti-bullying community.

Malala Yousafzai: Triumph Over Tragedy

Last but not least, Malala Yousafzai s a very popular activist who has gone through her cause. She was shot by the Taliban group, Tenrik for her support of girls’ rights to education. After being healed physically and emotionally, Malala is now very successful, like Alex and Emily-Anne. Malala even has her own day, Malala Day, on November 10th! Taliban still does not like Malala for all that she’s done for girls’ rights, but she keeps her head up high for all the people that need her support.

These three teen activists all have gone through the problem of their cause, and I think that’s what makes them so inspiring and understanding to others of the work that they have done. There are two types of bullying in this world, cyberbullying and face-to-face bullying. Both are equally bad, and the effects of both are the same. This is why I think so.

Tackling the Dual Menace of Bullying

Cyberbullying is just as bad as face-to-face bullying. Two thousand seven statistics showed that 43% of surveyed middle and high school students said they had experienced some kind of cyber-bullying in the last year. Traditional face-to-face bullying mostly happens in lightly supervised areas like hallways or recess areas, but cyberbullying can happen at any time, any place, without anyone knowing anything about it. Anyway, back to the effects, a girl named Hadley passed away from suicide because she was bullied via text and social media apps. That is a sad ending for a young life that should never have happened. But there can be extreme consequences for the bullies, too.(bully). In some states, it is illegal to post a mean-natured comment that focuses on things like gender, religion, race, sexual orientation, or physical differences. If that happens, the police could possibly get involved, and the bully could have serious consequences.

For traditional face-to-face bullying, there can be similar outcomes for the victim and the bully. Most of the time, only face-to-face bullying is noticed and put to a stop. Cyberbullying is much harder to do, but we need to work on both types of bullying as a society to be put to their ends.

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A Persuasive Essay on Anti-Bullying: Empowering Change. (2023, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/a-persuasive-essay-on-anti-bullying-empowering-change/