Cultural Divergence in “The Joy Luck Club”

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Amy Tan's novel, The Joy Luck Club, intricately explores the divergence of Chinese culture as it is experienced by American-born children of Chinese immigrant parents. Through a rich tapestry of interconnected stories, Tan illustrates how cultural dissonance manifests in the relationships between mothers and daughters. This essay will delve into this cultural divergence by closely analyzing two key stories from the novel, "Two Kinds" and "Rules of the Game," while also considering supporting narratives such as "The Voice from the Wall" and "Half and Half.

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" Cultural Identity and Language

The first point of divergence between the generations is evident in language. The daughters in Tan's narrative predominantly speak English, a stark contrast to their mothers' native Mandarin. This linguistic shift is symbolic of a broader cultural assimilation into American society. In the story "Two Kinds," June, one of the daughters, not only communicates in English but also lacks a Chinese name, further signifying her American identity. Her mother, Suyuan, perceives this as a loss of cultural heritage and an erosion of traditional values. The language barrier amplifies the misunderstandings and misinterpretations between them, highlighting how deeply language is intertwined with cultural identity. The daughters’ impatience with their mothers' fractured English underscores a disconnect that goes beyond mere words, reflecting a deeper cultural chasm.

Generational Expectations

The clash of cultural expectations is another recurring theme in Tan's work. Chinese mothers, as depicted in the novel, are portrayed as individuals who have been conditioned to endure hardships and suppress their desires. They have been taught to "swallow other people's misery" and "eat their own bitterness." In contrast, their daughters, raised in America, often reject this notion of blind obedience. This cultural divergence is poignantly illustrated in "Two Kinds," where after a failed piano recital, June rebels against her mother's demands for perfection, stating, "As a Chinese daughter, I don’t have to do what my mother says anymore. I wasn’t her slave. This wasn’t China." June’s defiance is emblematic of her American upbringing, where individuality and self-expression are valued over conformity and obedience. Suyuan’s expectation for June to strive for success is rooted in her Chinese heritage, where filial piety and family honor are paramount. However, June misconstrues her mother's aspirations as an attempt to mold her into someone she is not, leading to a heated confrontation. This misunderstanding highlights the chasm between the two cultures, where the traditional Chinese emphasis on familial duty clashes with the American ideal of personal autonomy.

Parental Pride and Rebellion

In "Rules of the Game," Tan further explores the divergence of cultural values through the relationship between Waverly and her mother, Lindo. Lindo takes pride in Waverly’s success as a chess champion, viewing it as a reflection of her own worth and sacrifices. However, Waverly perceives her mother's pride as an act of exploitation, a way to "show off" rather than genuine parental support. She challenges her mother, questioning, "Why do you have to use me to show off? If you want to show off, why don’t you learn to play chess?" This confrontation underscores a critical difference in cultural perspectives: whereas a traditional Chinese daughter might view her mother’s pride as a motivator to achieve further, Waverly interprets it through an American lens of individual achievement and self-ownership. Her decision to run away, albeit temporarily, signifies her rebellion against her mother’s authority and the traditional expectations imposed upon her. This act of rebellion, while common in American narratives of adolescence, represents a profound cultural rupture in the context of Chinese familial dynamics, where such defiance could lead to severe familial repercussions.

Americanization and Superstition

"The Voice from the Wall" and "Half and Half" further illustrate the cultural divergence between the mothers and daughters through the lens of superstition and belief systems. Lena St. Clair, in "The Voice from the Wall," reveals her Americanized thinking when she questions the traditional Chinese beliefs her mother holds. Her skepticism towards her mother’s superstitions, such as the ominous "death of a thousand cuts," reflects a logical, American mindset that values empirical evidence over inherited wisdom. Similarly, in "Half and Half," Rose Hsu Jordan's dismissal of her mother's belief in "fengkan" and her preference for consulting a psychiatrist instead underscores her assimilation into American culture, where scientific reasoning often trumps traditional beliefs.


In conclusion, The Joy Luck Club poignantly captures the cultural divergence experienced by American-born daughters of Chinese immigrants. Through the juxtaposition of language, generational expectations, and belief systems, Amy Tan effectively illustrates the complexities and conflicts that arise from this cultural rift. The daughters' American identities often clash with their mothers' traditional Chinese values, leading to misunderstandings and tensions that are emblematic of the immigrant experience. Ultimately, the novel serves as a testament to the enduring struggle for cultural identity and the intricate dance between heritage and assimilation, a theme that resonates deeply with many immigrant families.

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Cultural Divergence in "The Joy Luck Club". (2022, Nov 10). Retrieved from