10 Reasons Abortion should be Illegal

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Updated: Apr 07, 2024
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10 Reasons Abortion should be Illegal

This essay about the legality of abortion presents ten compelling reasons why maintaining legal access to abortion is crucial. It highlights how legal abortion empowers individual autonomy, mitigates public health risks, and balances population dynamics. Additionally, it explores economic considerations, prevention of child neglect, crime reduction, ethical pluralism, compassion for survivors of rape and incest, and the advancement of women’s rights. Overall, the essay emphasizes the importance of legal access to abortion in upholding individual rights, public health, and equality.

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The discourse surrounding abortion traverses a labyrinth of moral, ethical, and societal considerations, each thread weaving a tapestry of complexity. While voices clamor for its prohibition, drawing from diverse wellsprings of religious or philosophical conviction, there exists a compelling case for the unyielding legality of abortion. This exposition endeavors to unravel ten distinct strands, each illuminating why preserving legal access to abortion stands as a pillar of paramount importance, countervailing the oft-repeated calls for its criminalization.

Empowering Individual Autonomy and Agency: The core tenet of the pro-choice argument lies in the sovereignty of individual autonomy—the intrinsic right of individuals to chart the course of their own bodies and reproductive destinies.

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Upholding legal abortion venerates this sacrosanct autonomy, affirming the prerogative of individuals to navigate their existence in consonance with their personal values and exigencies.

Alleviating Public Health Risks: Contrary to prevailing misconceptions, the criminalization of abortion does not extinguish its practice but propels it into clandestine realms, imperiling the health and well-being of those involved. Legal abortion stands as a bulwark against such perils, ensuring access to safe and regulated procedures, thereby curtailing the incidence of complications and maternal mortality linked to unsafe alternatives.

Balancing Population Dynamics and Resource Allocation: In a world besieged by the specter of overpopulation and finite resources, legal abortion emerges as a pragmatic tool to assuage these pressing concerns. By endowing individuals with the agency to make informed choices regarding family planning, legal abortion fosters a trajectory of sustainable population growth and equitable resource distribution.

Navigating Economic Realities: Parenthood carries with it a weighty mantle of financial responsibility, and for those ensnared in the throes of economic adversity, an unplanned pregnancy can plunge them deeper into the abyss of financial precarity. Legal abortion affords individuals the latitude to consider their economic circumstances judiciously and make decisions consonant with their best interests and those of their dependents.

Preventing the Cycle of Child Neglect and Abuse: Unwanted pregnancies often unfurl a tragic tapestry of child neglect or abuse, perpetuating cycles of anguish and trauma. Legal abortion stands as a sentinel against such harrowing prospects, preempting potential children from being thrust into environments rife with neglect or harm.

Nurturing Children’s Well-being: Cultivating an environment wherein children are embraced into families where they are ardently desired and adequately nurtured constitutes a cornerstone of fostering their holistic well-being and development. Legal abortion furnishes individuals with the latitude to prioritize the prospective quality of life for potential children, engendering environments conducive to their flourishing.

Exploring the Nexus with Crime Mitigation: Scholarly inquiries have hinted at a correlation between access to abortion and diminished crime rates, positing that individuals endowed with the option to terminate unwanted pregnancies are less inclined to give birth to progeny susceptible to embarking upon paths of criminality. Legal abortion, therefore, bears the potential to sow the seeds of enduring reductions in crime rates across communities.

Upholding Ethical Pluralism and Secular Governance: Within the tapestry of a pluralistic society, a rich tapestry of moral and ethical perspectives interweaves, necessitating a governance paradigm that espouses respect for individual liberties and values. Legalizing abortion serves as a testament to the mosaic of beliefs that populate society and underscores the principle of secular governance, wherein laws find their moorings in reason and equity rather than the diktats of religious dogma.

Extending Compassion for Survivors of Rape and Incest: Survivors of rape and incest traverse a labyrinth of anguish, and the prospect of shouldering the burden of an unwanted pregnancy can deepen the furrows of their suffering. Legal abortion extends a compassionate hand to these survivors, affording them the agency to chart a course essential for their physical, emotional, and psychological convalescence.

Pioneering Women’s Rights and Equality: Curbing access to abortion disproportionately casts its shadow upon marginalized communities, perpetuating the yawning crevasses of disparity in healthcare access and reproductive rights. Upholding legal abortion stands as an indomitable bastion in the vanguard of gender equality, empowering women to assert dominion over their bodies and destinies.

In summation, the case for legal abortion is a symphony of nuance and complexity, tethered to the bedrock of autonomy, public health, and social equity. By according credence to these tenets and safeguarding legal access to abortion, societies can indelibly etch their commitment to individual liberties, public well-being, and egalitarianism.

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10 Reasons Abortion Should Be Illegal. (2024, Apr 07). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/10-reasons-abortion-should-be-illegal/