Should the Drinking Age be Lowered

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Should the Drinking Age be Lowered

This essay will explore the debate surrounding the proposal to lower the legal drinking age to 18. It will discuss the current legal drinking age’s implications on youth behavior and social norms, comparing it with drinking age laws in other countries. The piece will analyze arguments for and against lowering the age, considering factors such as alcohol-related accidents, maturity levels, and cultural attitudes towards drinking. It will also examine the potential impact on public health, education systems, and law enforcement, drawing on research and case studies to provide a comprehensive view of this contentious issue. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Binge Drinking.

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Twenty-one or eighteen? Alcohol's legal threshold sparks endless debate. Across the globe, drinking ages vary significantly, reflecting each country's unique cultural, social, and legal perspectives. In the United States, the legal drinking age stands at 21, whereas in countries like England and Australia, it is 18. In Spain and Austria, the age is even lower, set at 16. This essay argues that the legal drinking age in the United States should be lowered to 18. This change could bolster the economy, reduce unsafe drinking practices, decrease the number of related legal infractions, and acknowledge the rights of young adults to make their own decisions.

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Economic Impact

Lowering the drinking age could have a substantial positive impact on the economy. Allowing more individuals to legally purchase alcohol would likely lead to an increase in sales and revenue for businesses. Licensed stores, bars, clubs, and restaurants would see a boost in customer numbers, thereby enhancing their profitability. Additionally, this change could lead to a rise in alcohol production, creating new job opportunities in farming, brewing, and distribution sectors. Moreover, young adults might be more inclined to participate in various social activities, such as festivals, concerts, and sporting events, further stimulating economic growth. In essence, every sector linked to alcohol consumption could witness a significant financial uplift.

Reducing Unsafe Drinking

Another critical reason for lowering the drinking age is the potential to decrease unsafe drinking activities among young adults. Currently, many underage individuals resort to drinking in unsupervised and unsafe environments due to the legal restrictions. By allowing 18-year-olds to drink legally in public, there could be more opportunities to educate them about responsible drinking behaviors. In regulated settings, they could benefit from the presence of experienced drinkers who can guide them away from harmful practices like binge drinking. This change would foster a culture of safe and informed alcohol consumption, reducing the risks associated with unsupervised drinking.

Legal and Social Considerations

Lowering the drinking age could also reduce the number of legal infractions related to underage drinking. The current age restriction often makes alcohol consumption a forbidden fruit for young adults, leading to clandestine and often reckless drinking behaviors. By making alcohol legally accessible, it could become less of a taboo, thereby reducing its allure as a rebellious act. Historical parallels can be drawn from the Prohibition era in the United States, which proved unenforceable and led to widespread illegal consumption. Today, we see similar patterns with binge drinking rates alarmingly high among those just below the legal age. Lowering the age limit could lead to better education about alcohol use, promoting healthier drinking habits during college and young adult years.

The Rights of Young Adults

At the age of 18, individuals in the United States are legally recognized as adults. They are entrusted with significant responsibilities, such as voting in elections, serving on juries, getting married, and even risking their lives in military service. Given these substantial responsibilities, it seems illogical to deny them the right to consume alcohol. Some argue that the brain continues to develop until the age of 21, which is a valid point backed by scientific evidence. However, if 18-year-olds are deemed mature enough to make life-altering decisions, they should also be trusted to make informed choices about alcohol consumption. Ultimately, this is about respecting the autonomy and decision-making capabilities of young adults.


In conclusion, should the drinking age be lowered argumentative discussions often highlight the complex interplay of cultural, legal, and health considerations. Lowering the legal drinking age in the United States to 18 presents several compelling benefits. It could enhance economic growth, reduce unsafe drinking activities, decrease legal infractions, and recognize the rights and responsibilities of young adults. By adopting this change, the United States would align more closely with other countries that have successfully implemented lower drinking ages, potentially reaping similar benefits. The decision ultimately rests on balancing the potential advantages against the recognized risks, ensuring that the transition fosters responsible and informed drinking behaviors among young adults.

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Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered. (2020, Apr 28). Retrieved from