Why Schools should Start Later for the Sake of Students’ Well-being

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Updated: Jun 01, 2024
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Why Schools should Start Later for the Sake of Students’ Well-being

This essay is about the benefits of starting school later for students, emphasizing improvements in health, academic performance, and safety. It argues that adolescents’ natural sleep cycles require more rest, and early school start times lead to chronic sleep deprivation, negatively impacting cognitive function and mood. Research shows that later start times result in better grades and test scores due to increased alertness and engagement. Additionally, well-rested teens are less likely to be involved in car accidents, enhancing their safety. The essay also addresses potential challenges, such as disruptions to family schedules and extracurricular activities, and suggests solutions for a smooth transition to later start times.

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The argument over when schools should start has heated up in recent years, with a growing number of scholars, parents, and educators supporting later start times. There are many strong arguments in favor of this reform, especially those that have to do with teenage health and academic achievement. We may gain a better understanding of why starting school later could significantly improve students’ lives by delving into these arguments and addressing the issues raised by a change in timetable.

Teenagers’ sleep habits are one of the best justifications for starting school later.

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Teenagers and adults naturally have distinct sleep cycles from adolescents. They require more sleep and typically go to bed later. Early start hours for schools, however, conflict with these biological cycles, causing many teenagers to suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. This sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on their mood, memory, and cognitive skills. Based on studies, pupils are more likely to receive the appropriate amount of sleep when schools start later. This can improve their mental health overall, increase their ability to concentrate, and decrease absenteeism.

Beyond the health advantages, later starts are associated with higher academic achievement. Research indicates that students who get enough sleep exhibit higher levels of alertness and engagement during class. The American Academy of Pediatrics, for instance, discovered that pupils in high school who enrolled later in the year achieved better test scores and grades than students who enrolled earlier. This is explained by increased information retention capacity, less drowsiness during the day, and improved attention. Students who get enough sleep are less prone to burn out and are more likely to engage in active learning in the classroom.

The advantages of starting school later extend beyond health and academics. There’s also a safety factor to consider. Sleep-deprived teenagers are at a higher risk of engaging in risky behaviors and being involved in accidents, especially while driving. In locations where school start times were moved back, there was a drop in car accidents involving teenage drivers, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This drop is largely because well-rested drivers are more alert and less prone to mistakes on the road. Therefore, shifting school start times could significantly impact student safety both in and out of school.

However, implementing later start times isn’t without its challenges. One major concern is the potential disruption to family schedules and after-school activities. Parents who depend on early school start times for childcare or work commitments might find a later start inconvenient. Additionally, extracurricular activities, sports practices, and part-time jobs typically occur after school, and a later start could push these activities further into the evening, leaving less time for homework and relaxation.

Despite these challenges, many schools that have moved to later start times have found ways to manage them. Adjusting bus schedules, coordinating with local businesses, and rearranging after-school activities can help accommodate the new start times. It’s crucial to engage the community and plan thoroughly to address these logistical issues and ensure a smooth transition. By involving parents, teachers, and students in the decision-making process, schools can develop strategies that meet everyone’s needs.

In summary, the argument for later school start times is backed by extensive research highlighting the benefits for students’ health, academic performance, and safety. While there are logistical challenges to consider, the potential positive outcomes make a strong case for reevaluating school schedules. By prioritizing the well-being and success of students, communities can create a more supportive learning environment and promote the overall development of young people.

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Why Schools Should Start Later for the Sake of Students' Well-being. (2024, Jun 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-schools-should-start-later-for-the-sake-of-students-well-being/