Why Recess is Bad: the Impact of Recess on Student Well-Being

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Why Recess is Bad: the Impact of Recess on Student Well-Being

This essay will present arguments against recess in schools, discussing potential negative impacts on student well-being. It will explore issues such as safety concerns, bullying, and the misuse of recess time. The piece will examine alternative viewpoints and the ongoing debate about the role of recess in education. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Behavior.

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Do you think kids of all ages should have recess at least once a day? If kids had recess once a day, it would help kids focus on their schoolwork, get more exercise, and help with mental health. Kids of all ages should have recess.

Enhancing Focus and Academic Performance

One reason why we should have recess for all ages is that it helps kids focus on their school work. In Caralee Adam’s article titled ‘The benefits of recess are clear.

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Why are schools cutting back’ discusses why kids should have recess. In the article, Olga Jarrett states, ‘It’s kids who have trouble concentrating that need recess more than anybody else- and they are the ones less likely to get it.’ This shows that kids need a break at least once a day. Older kids can’t take a break during a 6-7 hour long day cause their recess usually gets taken away from 5th-6th grade. Kids can’t focus cause they have a lot of energy that they can’t let out.
Another reason we should let kids have recess is that it’s a way for kids to get more exercise. In the article, ‘Many schools have cut recess to focus more on math and reading. Is it time to put the fun back on the schedule’ by Allison Friedman? Discuss that recess does help kids get more exercise. Allison states, ‘ Doctors say kids need an hour of exercise each day. But between homework and family time, it can be hard to get enough. Cartwheeling around at recess can help keep kids healthy.’ This means that if schools let kids have recess at least once a day, kids can get their daily or as part of their daily exercise. Also, nowadays, kids rather play video games when they get home. Kids having recess would make them go outside at least once, witchy then they could get some exercise.

On the other hand, some people (teachers, school faculty members, etc.)may say that kids don’t need recess cause it cuts out time for classes. Reagon Zuber’s article titled ‘Do We Deed Recess?’ talks about why kids should not have recess at school. Reagon Zuber states, ‘If I’m forced to got to recess, that cuts back on the time allotted to my education–and that’ll only hurt me in the long run.’ This means that kids wouldn’t have time to learn more in school cause they have to make time for kids to go to recess. However, If kids had recess, it would help with mental health. Ryan Nguyen’s article titled ‘Do Teens Need Recess?’ talks about why kids should have recess. Ryan Nguyen states, ‘Studies show that children who engage in physical activity reap the benefits of improved physical and mental health–yet only 27 percent of high schoolers get the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity.’ This shows that if kids have recess at least once a day, it can help improve mental health. It can help clear their minds from stress and school drama.


Kids all over the world are overweight or not mentally right; stress is a big part of it. Kids getting exercise can be a time for kids to clear their minds. A home life is an option, but some kids might not have a good home life. Clearing their minds could help them focus on their school work ten grades, family, friends, Ect. Kids must get what they need in their school life cause some might not have any other time too. Kids need to have time to take a break from school work to regain focus, causing them to learn and focus more.


  1. Jarrett, O. (n.d.). The importance of recess in primary school [Article]. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/the-importance-of-recess-in-primary-school-33725
  2. Nguyen, R. (n.d.). Do Teens Need Recess? [Article]. Student Health 101. https://magazine.studenthealth101.com/article/do-teens-need-recess



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Why Recess Is Bad: The Impact of Recess on Student Well-Being. (2023, Aug 20). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-recess-is-bad-the-impact-of-recess-on-student-well-being/