Why 3D Printing Service Bureaus Needs to be Automated

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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According to Research and Markets forecast, 3D printing services market expected to grow to more than $13 billion from 2017 to 2022. With this rapidly increasing and overwhelming demand for 3D printing services holds enormous potential and business opportunities for 3D printing service bureaus.

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However, as the 3D printing market grows, employees are facing the challenge of scaling their current process, especially when quoting or delivering unmanaged services. To overcome this problem and stay on track with the competitors, many are replacing their current system with automation software for 3D printing service bureaus.

Why need automation software?

Many 3D printing service bureaus, however, using manual processes in their company such as a spreadsheet or paper-based system to manage quotation for their customers. As the demand for 3D printing services is increasing, these processes will no longer be effective for either efficient delivery or adequate solution for processing thousands of request at a time.

To maintain these business hypes, companies might hire new employees to stay on track, however, creating a quotation manually is a very much time-consuming work, with specialists often spending time on quotes for low-volume orders instead of a large one or even requests that do not ultimately convert into actual orders. To overcome the challenges and become a successful competitor among others, you must consider taking advantage of sales automation software instead of increasing manpower to automate the quoting process. With automation software such as Printelize your employees can generate quotes in a second, which also allows them to handle other productive tasks of your business instead of wasting on the quotation process.

When a source file has been analyzed, your employees need to track each of the parts manually, means doing lots of hand-works when it comes to a large order with 100 or more pieces to entry. Usual paper-based tracking process takes forever to input all the identification information for the parts related to a single order. Just think about when you have to deliver hundreds of parts to a customer with the individual tracking information, how time-consuming method that would be. Thanks to the automation software Printelize, you'll be able to store and track all information related to the order and keep a catalog of parts and easily track activities along the production workflow. As your production capacity grows, so too does the capability of handling production with automation software.

What's the future for 3D printing services bureaus with automation?

When an employee works in a manual environment, the whole workflow is a disconnected process. How? With bureaus using CRM, accounting system, spreadsheets, and other tools, they none of them are integrated with another, thus requires manual input of information and even multiple times into multiple systems. This repetitive work can be eliminated through Printelize, which allow employees to input data into the system once per order and completes the process without even checking separately. The whole system is connected from taking orders to delivering the final products to the consumers.

Sooner or later people will consider 3D printing services bureaus as the leading business of the 3D printing market and adapt technology to meet the upcoming challenge head-on. Manual process and disconnected system will be long gone when it wouldn't be enough to meet the increasing demand. So, a forward-thinking business must need to automate their system before other does to stay in the lead.

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Why 3D Printing Service Bureaus Needs to Be Automated. (2020, Jan 29). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-3d-printing-service-bureaus-needs-to-be-automated/