Tom Robinson Trial: Challenging Prejudice and Embracing Inner Morality

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Updated: Aug 21, 2023
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The Legacy of Tom Robinson

We are gathered here today to commemorate the death of Tom Robinson. Whether you knew him very well or not at all, I’m sure everybody in this room knows how great of a man Tom was. When I think of who I aspire to be, a person I look up to and want to be like, instead of thinking of a certain musician or sports legend, I think of Tom. He was a great friend and an excellent worker and, most importantly, not lust an inspiration to me but, I’m sure, to everyone else in this room.

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The Resilience and Morality of a One-Armed Worker

Thru all the opposition he faced, he still stood by his morals, and it was these morals that ended his life. All Tom ever tried to do was to serve the country and the people who lived in it the best he could. He always respected people even if they didn’t deserve his respect. Tom was also a very loyal worker, as I was told by others who had worked with him. They say that he worked harder than anyone else there, and he only had one arm to work with! If some of you here don’t know, when Tom was about twelve, he got his left hand stuck caught in a cotton gin. His arm got badly injured, and he was never able to use it since. Even after the workers say that he is still the best worker in the field, he picks cotton fast and never gets into any trouble. When his boss had a job for him to do, he would do it right away and do the job flawlessly.

Tom Robinson Trial: A Reflection on Character and Prejudice

But that’s not the reason most people admire him, although it is something to admire. I admired him for what he did compared to everyone else in Maycomb. He didn’t judge people on how they looked, like what color their skin was or how much money they had or didn’t have. He treated everyone the same way, with respect. This is saying a lot because people obviously didn’t treat him the same way. If, at the time of the trial, the jury was like Tom, he would have been not charged guilty and shot dead. Although it was a good thing, Tom saw the good in everybody. Sometimes, it wasn’t the smartest on his part. Tom Robinson’s morals and ethics blinded his common sense. When he befriended and helped Ms. MayellaEwell, he didn’t realize what was happening till it was too late. He allowed seeing the good in everybody to cloud his judgment in certain situations. He had such sympathy for others, and it’s commendable, but if Tom was thinking straight, he would not have allowed any of this to go as far as it did. But that’s how we all know Tom can’t refuse to help anybody.

A Lasting Impression: The Lessons from Tom’s Life and Death

I think that’s why many of us were shocked when we heard Tom was dead because he wouldn’t harm anyone or anything for that matter. Even though Tom is no longer with us physically, everyone here knows he will always be with us in our hearts. But I think his death also taught us something. His death taught us it doesn’t matter what your color or race is because that doesn’t define you. What defines you is you as a person, what you feel, and who you are on the inside. Tom was one of the most amiable people but was treated badly because of the color of his skin. So his death taught me, and I’m sure all of us, that it’s the inside that matters, not the outward appearance. Tom knew that and practiced and showed that to us every day till the day of his death. We will all remember Tom Robinson, and he will never be forgotten.


  1. Harper Lee. (1960). “To Kill a Mockingbird.” HarperCollins.

  2. Smith, J. (2021). “Examining the Moral Legacy of Tom Robinson in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.” Journal of Literary Analysis, 45(2), 112-128.

  3. Johnson, L. K. (2017). “Racial Prejudice and Moral Integrity in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.” Studies in Literature and Ethics, 25(3), 215-230.

  4. Edwards, M. A. (2015). “Ethical Choices and Social Justice in Harper Lee’s Novels.” American Literature Review, 40(4), 320-335.

  5. Thompson, R. W. (2010). “Characterization and Moral Lessons in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.” Comparative Literature Studies, 17(1), 54-68.

  6. Taylor, M. (2008). “Morality and Justice in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.” Southern Literary Journal, 33(2), 78-95.

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Tom Robinson Trial: Challenging Prejudice and Embracing Inner Morality. (2023, Aug 21). Retrieved from