Theoretical Lens Paper

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In this paper, I will identify the theoretical perspective that will be used to interpret and analyze the MuteRKelly movement and its relevance in disclosing and addressing the lack of awareness of sexual assault and abuse of African American women, the lack of inclusiveness, and acknowledgment within the larger context of women’s movements, from the Women’s Liberation movement in 1913 to the current MeToo movement. We will also consider the historical patterns and negative impressions and lack of credibility of African American women in the US.

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Based on the docuseries, several key factors need to be considered: minimal exposure, awareness, and concern for the sexual abuse experienced by the victims and the stereotypes and accusations these victims faced during the trial.

By researching and understanding how these historical patterns have impacted African American women, we can apply several theoretical perspectives. I will focus on the Standpoint theory and Intersectionality theory. Standpoint theory refers to historically shared, group-based experiences and the commonality of groups within the same power structure hierarchy, which also share common experiences of power relations (Collins, 1997). Grouping women together and examining the shared experiences over history, from inequality to sexual abuse, demonstrates the need and rise of women’s movements and how women have voiced their objections. While many feminists express the need for solidarity to unite and make an impact on legislation, awareness, and behavioral change, they neglect the concept of intersectionality of marginalized women. Intersectionality asserts that gender alone cannot be a factor without considering other issues such as race, history, and class in a woman’s experience (Samuels & Ross-Sheriff, 2008). African American women, sharing common experiences as the majority group, are marginalized within this larger group. In addition to experiencing inequality and sexual abuse, they also face racism and segregation, fostering inequality within the female power structure group.

Consequently, the voices and concerns of African American women are often minimized (Collins, 1997). The Standpoint theory is helpful in understanding the discrepancy between white women and African American women in the struggle for equality and justice for women’s rights. African American women’s experiences of inequality, and more specifically, sexual abuse and its treatment by authorities, are more complicated and divergent than what Caucasian women experience within the US (DuMont, Lee-Miller, & Myhr, 2003). The lack of credibility and respect African American women experience in sexual abuse cases, combined with the burdens of actual abuse and added racism, often results in their perception as less authentic victims (DuMont, Lee-Miller, & Myhr, 2003).

Accordingly, when applying the standpoint theory, movements that encompass marginalized African American women, as well as other marginalized women’s groups, must accommodate these differences in order to maximize inclusiveness, influence, and effectiveness (Collins, 1997). Understanding that multiple realities yield multiple perceptions and that the power relations of privilege generate differences within the group’s standpoint makes a strong argument for true solidarity among women (Collins, 1997).

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Theoretical Lens Paper. (2021, May 24). Retrieved from