Theme of the Call of the Wild: the Evolution of Character and Identity

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Updated: Aug 10, 2023
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Riding on the sled is for humans only; the man told Shasta. Shasta did not understand and was upset this new man wouldn’t let him ride as his owner did. But then the man did something that Shasta had never seen. He picked up, Shasta hooked him up to the sled, and then the man said mush. But Shata did not know the meaning of this word. Then the sled started moving, and the other dogs started pulling the sled.

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What was this is this man making us do? Thought shasta.

Theme of the Call of the Wild

Shasta started pulling; too then she felt something hit her rump. It stung worse than a bee sting then she saw it was a whip, or at least that’s what the other dogs said it was. It was long, and if she went too slow, she knew she would get hit, so she pulled faster and harder. But she was still getting hit. Why is he hitting, she thought. I’m doing my best, but he’s still hitting me, which means that my best isn’t enough. Shed had to pull faster and harder, and she did until she didn’t feel the whip hitting her back. She started to slow down again, but then the whip hit her again. At that moment, she knew she couldn’t slow down, so she sped up until she started passing the dog in front of her.

The sled stopped. The man pulled her out of her spot and put her upfront. She wasn’t used to being constantly moved. But then she realized that meant she moved up in the pack. That happened every day until, one day; she was the leader. The leader of the sled. But the dog, who was not the leader anymore, was biting her and nipping her like she wasn’t going fast enough. But then the man that drove the sled wiped him, and he never did that again. That night, the old leader came up to her and bit her leg, almost breaking it, so she bit back, grabbing his throat, and the dog yelped, so she let go. He licked her ear as if to say sorry, and he never did that again. Now what happens is instead of fighting each other, they keep each other warm. Every night.


Finally, they got to their destination, and the man let them loose everybody ran away. Except for Shasta and Storm but the man shooed them away, but they came back every night waiting to pull the sled. But they never got to them one night. Shasta had puppies, and there were three. Lightning, Coran, and violet were beautiful. And one day, they came back with their parents to the sled man and sat in their spots. Then the man hooked them up and rode off. They sled off. The family stayed together, and they were wild, but they were still the best sled dogs in the central town, their home.


  1. “The Call of the Wild” by Jack London


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Theme of the Call of the Wild: The Evolution of Character and Identity. (2023, Aug 10). Retrieved from