Cole Matthews “Touching Spirit Bear”: Transformation and Redemption

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Cole Matthews “Touching Spirit Bear”: Transformation and Redemption

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen features the transformation of Cole Matthews, a troubled teen sent to an Alaskan island for rehabilitation. This overview discusses Cole’s journey from anger and defiance to understanding and redemption. It explores the novel’s themes of healing, the power of nature, and the importance of forgiveness. The essay examines how Cole’s interactions with the Spirit Bear and his isolation lead to self-reflection and change. It also looks at the role of Native American traditions in his rehabilitation process. The piece aims to provide a comprehensive view of Cole’s character development and the novel’s message about the possibility of redemption and personal growth. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Fiction.

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In the book Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, Cole, Matthew, at fifteen years old, has been fighting and stealing for years. Cole smashes Peter Driscal’s skull on the sidewalk of school with anger for telling on him. For punishment, he had to choose between prison or the Native American Circle Justice. Because of the attack on Peter, Cole had to go to a detention center. When Cole was at the detention center, he thought it was just jail.

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Peter was hospitalized. Doctor’s reports warned he might suffer permanent damage, but Cole didn’t care. He was mad because he thought he was a juvenile delinquent. Cole was going to be transferred to an adult court. He hated his parent because they would send him to prison.

The Path of Violence and Healing

Cole didn’t want to go to prison, so two men named Garvey and Edward wanted to take Cole to an island for a year. Cole didn’t trust Edward and Garvey and didn’t really care if he was alone on the island.

The island is near the city of Drake in Southeastern Alaskan. Cole, Edwin, and Garvey went to the island and showed Cole his shelter and supplies. When Edward and Garvey left, Cole set his shelter on fire with all his supplies because he was mad and out of control. Cole then started laughing at what he did, Then lay by the shelter, then saw the at. Low that was given by Garvey. He picked it up and flung it toward the fire; then, he turned away from the fire and then tried to swim off the island to a different island. The water was too strong and too cold for him. As he was swimming, he thought about his application for circle justice. He remember the circle justice accepted him. He went back to the island and showed a big white bear just standing there. ColeCole got mad because it was standing there and not doing anything. ColeCole was thinking of killing it, but the bear was gone. A member past the further to coe went to the circle group meeting where he said that his father hit him as a child and his mom didn’t do anything about it. Peter’s mother says that Peter Peter suffered from head trauma, speech problems, and constant nightmares as consequences. And that Cole should be sent to prison.

Confronting Demons and Seeking Redemption

Back at the island, Cole saw the bear again, just standing here doing nothing. Cole got mad and grabbed his knife and made a spear, and tried to kill the bear. Cole stabbed the bear over and over, and the bear didn’t do anything. Cole got so mad then the bear attacked Cole by sharing and opening his chest. Cole has never seen more blood than the time when he smashes a pewter skull. Cole failed and hit his head on a rock. Just Bear was still there, just standing. ColeCole couldn’t move. His chest was open. He tried not to throw up, but he still did. Hours passed, and Cole didn’t have anything to eat, so he ate bugs and all kinds of gross stuff because he wanted to live, not die. He eats an alive mouse, and it starts to rain in a big storm. House past Cole couldn’t do anything, just stay there and cry. He had no food, and there was a bug biting him, and it was raining. He was close to death. Garvey and Edward returned to check on him. Cole hugged himself, trying not to get wet from the rain. Garvey and Edwin hurry and get Cole to the boat back to Minneapolis, where a nurse named Rosey helps Cole. She asked what happened. Then Cole answered by saying the bear did that. Rosey believes him, but Garvey and Edwin don’t. Cole shows them the soft white hair of the bear he pulls from it on his bag. Day passed, and Cole was starting to heal his dad never visited him; Cole thought they didn’t even care about him. , Cindy, his mom, came Vitis him in the hospital. She said that she was sorry for what his dad did to him, and then she said she stopped drinking and she wanted to start a new with Cole without his dad. Days passed, and Cole went back to the circle of justice. Cole wanted another chance to go back to the island, but Peter’s lawyer didn’t want to give Cole another chance. He wanted to send Cole to prison, but Cole spoke his heart out, saying stuff he never says before. He learned the meaning of life when he was almost dying on the island, and he thought he could change. The judge believes that Nichole is giving him another chance. Cole, garvey, and Edwin went back to the island. Cole needs to build his shelter and have to swim in cold water to get rid of his anger and roll a rock down the slope.

At night Edwin cooked some hot dogs for everyone and then started to dance for the power of happiness and anger. Cole says he doesn’t know how to dance. It’s not something you learn. Feel it said, Edwin. They all started to dance. Cole wanted Peter to come and see him, and he really changed. Cole keeps thinking about Peter. Peter had tried to commit suicide Cole felt sad about that. Every day Cole rolled the rock up the slope and let it go down. Edwin came back and took a swim with Cole Edwin said Peter tried to kill himself again last night. Peter went to the island with his mom. Cole shows Peter everything he does and where he is almost killed. Days passed, and Peter kinda understood Cole, and Peter didn’t believe Cole could change. Cole had an idea to get a log and make a totem. In the book, Cole says every animal he sees, he carves it. Peter asked what animal he should carve. Peter said he saw a mouse; then Cole said we must do a mouse dance tonight. Peter thought it was dumb. At night everyone started dancing as Peter watched every movement, then stood and began dancing, thinking he looked like a jerk, stupid dork. In the book, Peter asks if Cole really sees a spirit bear Cole turns and nods and tells how he had pulled a handful of white hair from the bear that he mauled and then thrown it away.


In the end, Summer came. Peter was thinking about leaving this morning. As Peter was picking up his stuff, Cole was slipping the at.óow on his backpack. Cole and Peter were alone by the pond. Peter was full of anger. Cole wanted to be friends with Peter. He held out his hands to Peter, but Peter knocked his hand away. Cole thought it was because he smashed Peter’s skull on the sidewalk. Peter hit Cole in the face. Peter said that Cole hadn’t changed. In the book Cole said I’m sorry then Peter said, “You’re not sorry for anything.” As Peter keeps hitting Cole and saying bad stuff about him, Cole doesn’t fight back; He wants Peter to hit him more because he doesn’t care anymore. Peter kicked Cole. He felt like a sledgehammer was striking his chest and arms Cole said stop Peter wanted Cole to fight back, but he refused. Peter stopped kicking him and then sat on the hard ground next to Cole, crying. Peter was scared as he sobbed. ColeCole was telling him what the dance, carving, the totem, carrying the ancestor’s rock, and touching the spirit bear. Peter hugs Cole, and the spirit bear appears. Peter looks down; then Cole whispers look, it’s the spirit bear. Peter looked up and couldn’t believe it. He stares at the bear. Peter thought the bear would hurt them. He stands next to the totem Cole and pulls out the at. óow, then give it to Peter. They both carve a circle of friendship on the totem.


  1. “Touching Spirit Bear” by Ben Mikaelsen
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Cole Matthews “Touching Spirit Bear”: Transformation and Redemption. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from