The Watergate Incident Killed the President and Damaged his Image

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Nixon wanted to be a prince. In his book, prince Niccolo Machiavelli explains what a prince should be and how to become a good ruler machiavellis prince has existed for more than 500 years affecting many great and many terrible leaders, but I believe that the political leader embodying Machiavelli’s principles 37th president of the united states Richard Nixon. During Nixon’s presidency, even before trying to win the more infamous watergate scandals, Nixon had followed Machiavelli’s principles of destruction, deception, and cover-up.

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Anyone who has been striving to be a good person is destined to die among many unwholesome people. As a result, a prince who wants to maintain his strength must learn how not to do good and not to abuse his talents. Machiavelli believes that one of the most prominent themes of how princes should rule and maintain their power is wealth. When it comes to wealth, Machiavelli refers to luck, destiny, or opportunity. Wealth can be useful or beneficial, or it can be harmful or dangerous.

Machiavelli believes that money controls part of a person s life and talent controls the other half. A prince should be loyal; however, Nixon was not loyal. He lied many times. Nixon lied to his wife and would do anything to be president. Which makes him seem like a good leader because he is doing all he can to get to the presidency. However, Nixon was mean and cold-hearted, and in comparison to Machiavelli, being cruel will help a prince get to where he wants to be.

Nixon lost the trust of the people because of his dishonesty. He did not do the right thing as a true prince would. He should take action and stand to his word as a good leader. Machiavelli argues that someone can gain power through his own abilities or good luck. Good luck can probably come in the form of being born buying power or assigning government status. Machiavelli believes that being lucky and taking power is very easy, but taking power with his own abilities is very difficult. On the other hand, maintaining power after gaining by fate is very difficult, but maintaining power after gaining by virtue is fairly easy.

What Machiavelli speculates about is that those who are lucky and in power rest only on the will and fortune of the one who gave them the condition. They don’t know how to hold, nor can they hold that rank. In other words, Machiavelli believes that individuals who have gained power through good fortune cannot maintain power well because they do not have the experience and infrastructure necessary to effectively lead the nation. President Nixon served as president of the united states from 1969 to 1974. His presidency of the united states was destroyed by the scandal.

Due to the watergate incident, he resigned as president in 1974. This is similar to the good deeds of prince Machiavelli. Machiavelli said that if the prince wants to maintain power by doing things, he must learn and practice not standing to the right or doing good deeds. This is because doing the right thing will affect many bad people. President Nixon’s actions violated the prince Machiavellis principle. This article focuses on the reasons why the Machiavellian principle does not apply to President Nixon’s case focusing on Nixon’s failures, such as the Cambodian explosion and watergate.

President Nixon does not represent prince machiavelli. Before taking power, President Nixon promised to end the Vietnam war because most of the American soldiers were killed in the war. Contrary to expectations, he launched and approved the bombing in north Vietnam to intimidate the leaders of the region. He did not withdraw his soldiers against the wishes of American leaders and the public. He tried to act on his own behalf and ignored the suggestions of other war leaders and experts. The watergate incident killed the president and damaged his image as a national leader nationally and internationally.

Before his reassignment, leaders and the country were planning to impeach him because the scandal occurred under his supervision. The scandal exposed the improper means used by the Nixon government to influence and harass the opposition and radicals to maintain their dominance. In addition, it involves money laundering and misuse of public funds. The scandal showed that Nixon did not act inside prince machiavelli. Also, the executives who implemented president Nixon’s declaration and the policy of providing services to the public used force and improper conduct. Forty-eight prominent officials were convicted of wrongdoing, including mark felt, who tried to cover up the scandal by treating it as pure politics.

Therefore president Nixon did not manage his own government but resorted to the misfortune of the opposition. This is one of the main reasons for his final collapse. If the prince cannot tame his followers or support his appointment as he did, then the reign is short-lived. Nixon’s actions were contrary to Machiavelli’s views about the prince due to his actions, leadership style, and failure to effectively manage and control people close to him. He resigned at a time the country needed him to intervene and defend his administration against the mistakes made. Protestors demanded his impeachment because they lost confidence in him. The political class in America and Nixon’s own party disowned him. By bombing the Vietnamese president, Nixon planned to scare and intimidate the Vietnamese into surrendering without opposition. The Americans were very disappointed as they had voted for him once again. Machiavelli really focuses on the ones who are lucky and powerful and rest only on the will and fortune of the one who gave them the condition.

They don’t know how to hold, nor can they hold that rank. In other words, Machiavelli states that people who have power through fortune will not maintain power in a good way due to the fact that they lack the experience to lead properly. Nixon did not take advice from anyone. President Nixon is a representation of a machiavellian prince because prior to accepting to take power, Nixon made a promise to put an end to the Vietnam war due to the high rate of soldiers that had been killed. Which he did not. He lied. Instead, he bombed north Vietnam. A true prince will keep his word.

Machiavelli states praiseworthy is it for a prince to keep his word and live by integrity and not by deceit, everyone knows: nevertheless, one sees from the experience of times that the princes who have accomplished great deeds are those who have cared for keeping their promises. Machiavelli believed that if one did good and was honest would accomplish much. The watergate incident killed the president and damaged his image as a national leader nationally and internationally. Before his reassignment, leaders and the country were planning to impeach him because the scandal occurred under his supervision. The scandal exposed the improper means used by the Nixon government to influence and harass the opposition and radicals to maintain their dominance.

In addition, it involves money laundering and misuse of public funds. The scandal showed that Nixon did not act inside prince Machiavelli. Also, the executives who implemented president Nixon’s declaration and the policy of providing services to the public used force and improper conduct. Forty-eight prominent officials were convicted of wrongdoing, including mark felt, who tried to cover up the scandal by treating it as pure politics. Therefore president Nixon did not manage his own government but resorted to the misfortune of the opposition.

This is one of the main reasons for his final collapse. If the prince cannot tame his followers or support his appointment as he did, then the reign is short-lived. Nixon’s actions were contrary to Machiavelli’s views about the prince due to his actions, leadership style, and failure to effectively manage and control people close to him. He resigned at a time the country needed him to intervene and defend his administration against the mistakes made. Protestors demanded his impeachment because they lost confidence in him. The political class in America and Nixon’s own party disowned him. By bombing the Vietnamese, president Nixon’s plan was to scare the Vietnamese.

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The Watergate Incident Killed the President and Damaged his Image. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from