The Tale of Two Spellings in Language: ‘Travelled’ Vs. ‘Traveled

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Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Ever found yourself second-guessing your spelling of the word ‘travelled’ or ‘traveled’? You’re not alone. This spelling conundrum isn’t just a quirky feature of English; it’s a linguistic snapshot of history, a tale of two Englishes – the British and the American. Let’s unpack the story behind these two spellings and what they say about the evolution of the English language.

Here’s the deal: ‘Travelled’ with double ‘l’ is how the Brits spell it. Across the pond, Americans prefer ‘traveled’ with a single ‘l’.

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This difference is a classic example of the American English versus British English divide. But why the split? Well, it all goes back a couple of centuries to the days of Noah Webster – yes, the dictionary guy. Webster was on a mission to simplify English spelling. He thought the Brits’ way was overcomplicated. So, he started dropping letters here and there in his dictionary. That’s how ‘travelled’ lost an ‘l’ and became ‘traveled’ in American English.

Webster’s quest for simplified spelling was more than just linguistic tidying up; it was about American identity. In the early days of the United States, having a distinct version of English was a way to assert independence from Britain – a sort of linguistic Declaration of Independence. Webster was like the language’s founding father, giving Americans a way to write that was all their own.

But across the Atlantic, the British stuck to their double ‘l’s and other traditional spellings. For them, it wasn’t just about sticking to the old ways; it was about holding onto a rich linguistic heritage. The British version of English, with its extra letters and all, carried on, proud of its historical roots and complexity.

Fast forward to today, and this transatlantic spelling difference is more than just trivia. In our global, connected world, it’s a reminder of the diverse flavors of English. For learners and users of English around the globe, it’s essential to recognize these differences. Whether you’re penning an email, drafting a report, or crafting a tweet, your choice of ‘travelled’ or ‘traveled’ might just reveal more about you – are you leaning towards the American simplicity or the British tradition?

In conclusion, the tale of ‘travelled’ vs. ‘traveled’ is more than just a spelling bee challenge. It’s a reflection of English’s rich history, its splits and adaptations, and how language evolves with people and nations. It’s a linguistic nod to the past and a present-day reminder of the beauty of diversity in language. So next time you’re about to type out that word, remember, you’re not just choosing letters; you’re picking a piece of linguistic history.

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The Tale of Two Spellings in Language: 'Travelled' vs. 'Traveled. (2023, Dec 01). Retrieved from