The Skills Parents and Students Can Learn in Brainology

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Dr. Carol Dweck, a psychology teacher, is one of the leading researchers in the field of inspiration. She has a passion for education and trainee’s success, “I have actually always been deeply moved by outstanding achievement and saddened by lost opportunities”. In “Brainology”, her research study confirms that a growth mindset is far more beneficial than a fixed mindset. Parents and students can learn numerous skills that can be used academically and later in life by reviewing “Brainology”.

It is crucial to recognize what kind of mindset a student has, as it is verified in “Brainology” that it has an impact on grades and self-actualization.

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“Those with a growth mindset were more interested in learning than in just looking smart in school. Students with a fixed mindset care so much about how smart they will appear that they often reject learning opportunities” (pg.2). A student can transition from a fixed to a growth mindset by setting and achieving goals through effort. Furthermore, students have different beliefs about effort. Those with growth mindsets understand that intelligence is developed through hard work and overcoming obstacles. On the other hand, those with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence comes naturally and does not require effort. If a task proves challenging, it makes them feel unintelligent because they cannot solve it immediately. Understanding the student’s mindset will enable them to modify their future success.

Another valuable lesson in “Brainology” is the concept of potential. A student does not fully understand their abilities until they are challenged. When faced with obstacles, a growth mindset enables the student to conquer them and learn from their mistakes. In contrast, a student with a fixed mindset tends to give up when faced with an unfamiliar topic. Failing can be very disheartening and discourage the student from participating. “It makes mistakes and failures discouraging because they believe that such problems reflect badly on their intelligence” (Pg. 1). This illustrates the significance of potential and its role in a student’s self-esteem – reinforcing why all students should aim to achieve their full potential.

Another important aspect is overcoming challenges. As Dr. Dweck explains in her article, “you can make a plan of positive action that can address deficiencies” (Pg. 3). In addition, individuals with a growth mindset approach challenges positively. These students are not afraid to confront difficulties but, instead, strive harder to understand the obstacles preventing their progress. In contrast, those with a fixed mindset lose motivation and fear to exert effort. This not only affects students’ capabilities in school but also in adulthood. For instance, they could give up when faced with increased responsibilities at work. Dr. Dweck perfectly encapsulates this in “Brainology”: “It is the belief that intelligence can be developed that opens students to a love of learning, a belief in the power of effort and constructive, determined responses to setbacks”.

There are effective and also non-effective ways of giving praise. As a trainee, any form of positive appreciation undoubtedly boosts their self-confidence. However, it can impact them in a negative way if the praise isn’t given in a specific manner. For instance, “The children who were applauded for their intelligence tend to lose their confidence when faced with problems or difficulties” (p. 4). Offering praise based on a fixed mindset nurtures the idea that success comes without effort. This could lead a pupil to believe that she can accomplish anything because she is smart. But, when she is presented with a challenge and can’t perform, she may simply give up and fail. In contrast, “Those who were praised for their effort maintained their self-confidence, their motivation, and their performance” (p. 4). This growth mindset praise sets up a student for success by teaching her that hard work and effort are the keys to achievement. Thus, it’s essential for both teachers and parents to be mindful on how they praise students. Also, “Brainology” is a resource from which any student or parent can gain significant insights, including understanding the benefits of shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

Their effort, perseverance, proper method of praise, and skills learned will motivate any student to reach their full potential. As a result, more students with a growth mindset will likely be highly engaged in their schoolwork and future decisions. As Dr. Dweck once stated, “Teach them that by embracing challenges, learning from mistakes, and exerting effort, they are making themselves smarter” (p. 7).

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The Skills Parents and Students Can Learn in Brainology. (2022, Nov 10). Retrieved from