The Res Gestae Divi Augustus: an Analytical Examination

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The Res Gestae Divi Augustus, which translates to “The Deeds of the Divine Augustus,” is basically Augustus’s autobiography. Augustus was the first Roman Emperor, and he had this document inscribed on bronze pillars at the entrance of his mausoleum in Rome. It’s like a fancy list of all the good stuff he did. He wanted to make sure everyone remembered his achievements and saw him as a great ruler. This text is super important for historians who study the Augustan era because it gives a peek into the political, social, and cultural changes that happened during his reign.

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In this essay, I’ll dive into the Res Gestae Divi Augustus, looking at its historical context, how it’s written, and what it means. This will help us understand how Augustus justified his rule and shaped Roman identity.

Historical Context

To get the importance of the Res Gestae Divi Augustus, we gotta understand the history around it. Augustus, whose real name was Gaius Octavius Thurinus, came to power after a messy period of civil wars that marked the end of the Roman Republic. After his great-uncle Julius Caesar got assassinated in 44 BCE, Augustus played his political cards right. He beat his rivals and grabbed power by 27 BCE. The time after that, known as the Pax Romana, was pretty peaceful and stable, lasting over 200 years. The Res Gestae was written around 14 CE, just before Augustus died. It was supposed to be a record of his life’s work, showing how he brought order back. By talking about his achievements in the context of restoring the Republic, Augustus wanted to be seen as a restorer of traditional Roman values, not just a ruler with too much power.

Literary Structure

The Res Gestae Divi Augustus is neatly organized to show off Augustus’s achievements. It’s split into four main sections: public benefactions, military achievements, political honors, and personal virtues. Each part focuses on different areas of his contributions to Rome. The first part talks about his financial generosity, like giving money to citizens and funding public projects. The second part lists his military wins and territorial expansions, making him look like a strong leader who protected Rome. The third part details the honors and titles he got from the Senate and the people, showing that he was widely accepted. The last part highlights his personal qualities like mercy, piety, and justice, which were key to his public image. This setup not only glorifies Augustus but also teaches the values he wanted future generations to follow.

Ideological Implications

The Res Gestae Divi Augustus is more than just a list of deeds; it’s a piece of propaganda. Through this document, Augustus crafted a story that justified his rule and promoted Roman Republic values. By showing himself as a benefactor and protector, Augustus positioned himself as the keeper of Roman traditions and civic virtues. This was crucial for gaining public support and reducing opposition. The Res Gestae also reflects the cultural and ideological changes of the Augustan era, like promoting the mos maiorum (customs of the ancestors) and reviving religious practices. It underlines the emperor’s central role in the Roman state, a concept that shaped the future of the Roman Empire. In short, the Res Gestae shows Augustus’s knack for using propaganda to control public perception and secure his legacy.


To wrap it up, the Res Gestae Divi Augustus is a key document that gives us a deep look into Augustus’s reign and the ideas of the Augustan era. By exploring its historical context, how it’s written, and what it stands for, we see that the Res Gestae was a powerful tool for Augustus to promote himself and his vision for Rome. He built a narrative that painted him as a restorer of the Republic and a model of Roman virtues, helping legitimize his rule and shape the Roman Empire’s future. The document not only immortalizes his achievements but also mirrors the values and goals of his time. Because of this, the Res Gestae Divi Augustus is a must-read for historians and scholars who want to understand Roman history and the lasting impact of its first emperor.

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The Res Gestae Divi Augustus: An Analytical Examination. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from