The Renaissance Movement

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Updated: Dec 02, 2022
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The Renaissance is a very well known movement throughout the globe, for artists and non artists. It was a time period right after the Medieval period, and it has contributed so much to the art world. In this essay, we will be talking in detail, about what the Renaissance truly was.

To begin, the Renaissance was from the 14th century through the 17th century and began in Italy. There are no well-defined causes for the beginning or end of the Renaissance, but it was rumored to begin because, of Italy’s geography.

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It was a period of passion for the European cultural, artist, political, and economical “rebirth”, which soon followed after the middle ages. The Renaissance promoted rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature, and art. Despite all these thriving factors of the Renaissance, it was best known for its artistics developments. For example, the printing press was developed in 1440 to apply pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium, such as paper or cloth, thereby transferring the ink. This is a form of an artistic development because, later on they would be able to print art into a stencil, thus making painting so much quicker and more accessible.

Moreover, the Renaissance utilized five major themes. Them being: humanism, secularism, individualism, rationalism, and virtu. Humanism emphasized the critical study of the Greek and roman classics in order to better understand human nature and bring new age of intellectual achievement. Renaissance equaled rebirth, which was applicated in the renewed interest in study. Secularism was an emphasis on the value of worldly things, not necessarily on religious things, but also not anti-religious. Some examples would be: art, literature, emphasis on self, and things created for entertainment, rather than religion purposes. Individualism was connected to secularism and humanism. They were linked especially in the area of arts. Individuals always tried to stand out when it came to painting. Rationalism was about focusing on logic, proof, and the beginning of science. Lastly, virtu was about: being the most you can be, trying to do as many things as you can well, and having behavior that demonstrates high moral standards.

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The Renaissance Movement. (2019, Jul 20). Retrieved from