The Principle of Benevolence is Linked in the Ethics of Google

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What are ethical standards? Ethical standards pertain to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with ethics, as defined by Google. All researchers abide by certain principles included in their ethical standards. These principles consist of beneficence, respect, justice, and many others, depending on the profession. Beneficence necessitates the minimization of risks and an analysis of risk/benefit. Respect for individual rights calls for informed consent, and justice requires a fair and equitable selection of subjects to lessen the burden of research from falling on the underprivileged or disadvantaged (“What Are the Rules,” 2001).

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Below is a list of vocabulary terms charted within the decision-making process of ethical standards and their respective dictionary definitions. Beneficence and Nonmaleficence are two such terms. Beneficence is defined as an act of goodwill such as charity, mercy, and kindness, often marked by a strong inclination to do good for others. An example of this could be student organizations conducting clothes drives for the less fortunate. Nonmaleficence is defined as the principle of not causing harm or inflicting the least harm possible to achieve a beneficial outcome.

This could be illustrated by the Student Gay & Straight Organization addressing bullying based on sexuality. Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by ongoing loyalty and support, is termed as Fidelity. An example of this is a teacher’s allegiance to convey knowledge to their students. Responsibility refers to the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or having control over someone. In this sense, teachers are responsible for students until they are within sight of their parents. Moreover, Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity stands for respecting and safeguarding human rights.

This involves being respectful during class instructional time by remaining silent and attentive. It also encompasses treating people with courtesy, politeness, and kindness. Basically, it’s about treating people the way you would like to be treated and allowing everyone to participate in a class discussion without interruptions. Integrity is the virtue of being honest and adhering to strong moral principles or moral uprightness. This could be evident when students work when they are required to and save their socializing, either electronically or physically, for their free time.

Justice represents fair treatment and behavior, and adhering to it involves following classroom rules and being honest. It is unfortunate that in most professional fields, adherence to these standards is lacking. I know teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc., who behave as if these standards are nonexistent. This class has expanded my understanding of ethical codes and different laws. Initially, I had limited knowledge about ethical codes and how they are integrated into various professions. However, my perception changed thanks to Dr. Thompson’s enlightening teachings on the subject.

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The Principle of Benevolence Is Linked in the Ethics of Google. (2022, Aug 26). Retrieved from