The Phenomenon of Learned Helplessness: Everyday Scenarios and Impact

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Updated: May 21, 2024
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The Phenomenon of Learned Helplessness: Everyday Scenarios and Impact

This essay about learned helplessness outlines how this psychological condition manifests in various aspects of daily life. It explains that learned helplessness occurs when individuals perceive their actions as unable to influence outcomes, leading to passivity and a lack of initiative. Key examples include students who feel ineffective despite effort in their studies, employees whose ideas are consistently overlooked, and partners in unbalanced relationships who feel their voices are unheard. The essay also touches on societal impacts, particularly within marginalized communities that face systemic barriers. It suggests ways to overcome learned helplessness, such as setting realistic goals and engaging in cognitive-behavioral therapy, emphasizing the importance of environments that reward effort and enable personal agency.

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The idea of “learned helplessness,” which was first discovered through behavioral psychology tests, refers to a state in which a person loses all sense of control over how events turn out and becomes inert and unresponsive. This condition, brought on by recurrent exposure to unpredictable occurrences, results in a lack of drive and inaction even in the face of change-presenting chances. By comprehending real-world examples, we can identify and treat this crippling illness more effectively.

In educational settings, one of the most relatable cases of learned helplessness is evident.

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Imagine a pupil who has arithmetic difficulties on a regular basis. They put forth a lot of effort, but they consistently earn low marks and feedback. The student may eventually come to feel that their efforts will be in vain if they try too hard to raise their marks. This idea may cause the pupil to give up completely, which is a well-known indication of learned helplessness. The student’s thinking spreads beyond arithmetic, perpetuating a pattern of apathy and failure in other areas of life as well as other subjects.

Workplaces are another environment that fosters this behavior. Workers who are routinely ignored or micromanaged may come to believe that their efforts are insignificant. An employee might, for example, suggest multiple projects that they believe will increase the effectiveness of the team. Employees may cease contributing ideas, though, if they feel that their involvement will have no impact on the situation and their recommendations are consistently rejected or overruled by upper management. In addition to stifling involvement and creativity, this can also exacerbate more general organizational problems like low morale and excessive turnover.

Another poignant example of learned helplessness can be seen in relationships, particularly where one partner dominates decisions and disregards the other’s preferences. Over time, the less dominant partner may withdraw, accepting that their desires and needs will not influence the relationship dynamics. This acquiescence can lead to severe emotional consequences, such as depression and anxiety, further entrenching feelings of helplessness.

Society and culture can also perpetuate this condition. Individuals from marginalized communities often face systemic barriers, where repeated discrimination can lead to a deep-seated belief in their powerlessness. For example, residents in a low-income neighborhood may see little improvement in their living conditions despite numerous calls to local representatives and community leaders. This unyielding cycle of neglect can result in a communal sense of learned helplessness, where residents no longer advocate for change, believing their efforts are futile.

The impact of learned helplessness extends beyond individual experiences, influencing broader societal dynamics. It erodes self-efficacy and can lead to a lack of engagement in civic duties like voting or community participation. On a personal level, overcoming learned helplessness begins with recognizing its signs and understanding that past outcomes do not control future possibilities. Strategies to combat this mindset include setting achievable goals, seeking environments where input is valued, and therapy practices such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to reframe negative thought patterns.

These real-world examples shed light on learned helplessness and underline the value of creating environments in all contexts—personal, professional, or educational—that value autonomy, recognize and reward effort, and promote active engagement. We can enable people to break free from this pattern and take an active role in directing their own lives and the lives of others by addressing the underlying causes and symptoms of learned helplessness. By encouraging citizens to be more involved and active citizens, this understanding not only improves individuals but also society as a whole.

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The Phenomenon of Learned Helplessness: Everyday Scenarios and Impact. (2024, May 21). Retrieved from