The Outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg: a Turning Point in the Civil War

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Updated: Jul 21, 2024
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The Outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg: a Turning Point in the Civil War

This essay is about the Battle of Gettysburg a key event in the American Civil War fought from July 1 to July 3 1863. It details how the Union Army led by General George G. Meade secured a crucial victory over the Confederate Army under General Robert E. Lee. The essay highlights significant moments such as the defense of Little Round Top and the failed Confederate assault known as Pickett’s Charge. The Union’s success at Gettysburg halted Lee’s invasion of the North bolstered Northern morale and marked a turning point in the war. The battle’s outcome had far-reaching implications contributing to the eventual Union victory and shaping American history.

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The Battle of Gettysburg happening from July 1 to July 3 1863 is one of America’s biggest clashes ever. Some folks say it turned the tide in the Civil War. Union General George G. Meade led his troops to a big win over Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s army. This victory stopped Lee from moving into the North and started the South’s slow slide down.

It all went down in Gettysburg Pennsylvania where Confederate troops ran into Union cavalry looking for supplies.

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What started small got huge fast pulling in more troops from both sides. For three days straight they fought hard across fields hills and ridges. Places like Little Round Top Cemetery Hill and Pickett’s Charge became legendary.

General Meade played a key role in the Union’s win. He put his troops in just the right spots and used the land to his advantage. On day two there was fierce fighting at Little Round Top where Union soldiers pushed back Confederate attacks again and again. This move stopped the South from sneaking around and getting the upper hand.

The biggest moment came on day three with Pickett’s Charge a bold but doomed Confederate push at Cemetery Ridge. General George Pickett led about 12500 Southern soldiers across open fields into heavy Union fire. It ended bad for them with half of their men dead hurt or caught. This fail marked the end of Lee’s North run and sent his army back to Virginia.

The Union’s win at Gettysburg shook things up in the Civil War. It boosted Northern spirits and made President Abraham Lincoln even more determined to keep fighting for unity and to end slavery. The battle also hit the South hard wiping out lots of their troops and making it tough for them to keep attacking. Plus with Vicksburg falling on July 4 1863 giving the Union the Mississippi River things swung toward the North big time.

In the bigger picture of the Civil War Gettysburg showed how important smart leaders good communication and changing tactics are in battle. Meade played it safe but strong while Lee’s bold moves which worked before fell flat this time. The battle also showed how many lives were on the line with more than 51000 soldiers dead hurt or gone missing making it one of America’s bloodiest fights ever.

To wrap it up the Union’s win at Gettysburg changed the game in the Civil War. It stopped Lee cold and set the stage for the South’s defeat. The bravery and loss in those three days in July 1863 are still remembered today showing how hard folks fought for togetherness and fairness. Gettysburg teaches us a lot about war’s twists and turns and how leaders and plans shape history’s path.


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The Outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg: A Turning Point in the Civil War. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from