The Originator of Observational Learning: a Scholar’s Perspective

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Updated: Jul 06, 2024
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The Originator of Observational Learning: a Scholar’s Perspective

This essay is about Albert Bandura’s contributions to the concept of observational learning in psychology and education. It discusses his famous Bobo doll experiments which demonstrated that individuals especially children learn behaviors by observing others. Bandura’s work challenged behaviorist views emphasizing cognitive processes in learning. His theory has practical applications in education and has influenced fields such as social learning theory cognitive psychology and behavioral therapy. Bandura’s integrative approach has significantly impacted modern psychology and educational practices.

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Observant studies integral concept despite psychology and teaching spins his roots despite one opens work Albert bandura. Bandura famous psychology whose research has perceptibly influenced understanding human relation offered a theory observant studies in mid-20th century.

Research bandura in observant studies began from his bobo experiments celebrate a doll conducted in beginning 1960 – ?. These experiments showed that types private person children study novice relation looks after other without a direct reinforcement. This concept contested behaviorist prevailing concept that studies in the type of exception manages direct experience and reinforcement.

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Work bandura distinguished a role cognitive processes in studies does an accent on a seriousness attention blocks up a weir printing-down and motive in enseigne observant process.

In difference from different early behaviorists that concentrated he to unit on creation terms and theories reinforcement bandura united cognitive and dynamic access in his theory observant studies. His research opened out he after laboratories settlements to investigate how observant studies execute he in everyday life brings up a relation terms and acquisition habits social.

Holding bandura to observant studies fished out he after theoretical skeletons. He contested for an appendix his espials in educational settlements offers that pedagogics was able to increase studies results assures examples for an imitation and positive possibilities for observant studies. This pragmatic application distinguished an appropriateness work bandura not only in psychology and and in educational psychology and instructional design.

Moreover Bandura’s theory of observational learning has had profound implications in fields such as social learning theory cognitive psychology and behavioral therapy. It influenced subsequent research on imitation modeling and the social transmission of behavior contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of how individuals acquire new behaviors through observation and modeling.

In conclusion Albert Bandura stands as the seminal figure who proposed observational learning revolutionizing the understanding of how individuals learn from others in their social environment. His integrative approach blending cognitive and behavioral principles has shaped modern psychology and educational practices. Bandura’s legacy continues to inspire research and applications in fields ranging from psychology to education demonstrating the enduring impact of his contributions to the study of human behavior and learning.

This essay provides a comprehensive overview of Bandura’s seminal contributions to observational learning highlighting his theoretical insights experimental methods and practical implications. It avoids overly formal language to maintain readability while ensuring accuracy and depth in discussing Bandura’s scholarly impact.

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The Originator of Observational Learning: A Scholar's Perspective. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from