The Mental State of Queens who are Often Called Angry Black Women

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For many years, women in the African American community have suffered for many things, one of them being mental health issues. Mental health disorders fall under a variety of conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), etc. Each of these has the ability to affect a person’s thought process, the ways they act, and their moods. These types of conditions can also have an effect on one’s daily functions, although each person may experience different symptoms.

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For many years, African American women have been labeled “the angry black woman,” and there has not been a clear explanation as to why. One of the reasons behind this attitude could possibly stem from the challenges these women have had to endure since they were born.

African American women were often deemed the “caretakers,” which for some, included caring for the family of the slaveowner. Usually, this role began to be assigned during their younger years, meaning they might have missed out on normal childhood experiences. They likely learnt how to take care of the family and raise children at an early age. Although these women ensured others were taken care of, they often neglected themselves and sometimes their own family. Several factors have contributed to the decline of their mental health. Some of these horrific factors include the trauma endured during the slavery period extending all the way to the way they are treated today.

In the chapter of “Medical Bondage: Race, Gender, and the Origins of American Gynecology” by Deirdre Cooper Owens, the abuse of African American women is examined, particularly the fact that they were raped and not provided proper care. The intensely terrifying and painful experience of being raped and taken advantage of is something that will always live with and affect a person mentally. This act has caused some women to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and inflicted permanent physical damage to their bodies, making it impossible for them to conceive. Being unable to start the family they desire can also be a lasting effect of being raped. During the years of 1757-1830, women were used for specific jobs, such as domestic work and some even strictly for reproduction. During this time, the concept of motherhood was not as revered as it is today because there was no freedom.

In fact, these women dreaded the thought of being pregnant, and some even took risks like killing the child to keep them from suffering. The enslaved women gave birth to children that became the property of the slave owner. In some cases, the child was a result of being raped by the slave owner, and the mother was still responsible for raising the child. Since it was generally her child, she taught them how to act, think, and deal with physical and sexual violence. In a way, these women were forced to care for something that reminded them of the horrific event. As a mother, that isn’t healthy for them or the child and could cause them to resent, act out, and have anger. In the “Freaks, Divas, Gold Diggers, and Dykes: The Sociohistorical Development of Adolescent African American Women’s Sexual Scripts” by Dionne P. Stephens and Layli D. Phillips, there are eight different scripts that described women. These women had different labels, which means they more than likely went through different struggles. The struggle, in most cases, caused them to deal with their emotions differently and possibly develop a mental illness such as depression, anxiety, or some form of stress.

The mammy was the servant and a slave who ensured that the needs of the White family were taken care of. Her job was to raise their children and cook for the family. She dealt with the backlash that was thrown at her because she did not give her own family the time that she gave the white family. The mammy may also deal with problems within herself because not everyone can handle the criticism. Each type of woman had their own way of believing, and their attitudes varied towards their sexuality. Almost all women were being stereotyped, regardless of whether they were sexually active or still virgins. In addition to that, these women faced what is called a culture of dissemblance, meaning their attitudes changed in a way that covered or shielded the true experiences they went through. The Jezebel was known for being more respected by the slave owner in a sexual manner, and she was responsible for all domestic housework. After being taken advantage of so many times, she began to reject sexual activities to avoid the stereotypes, much like the women labeled as freaks. The women labeled as gold diggers were known as the women willing to do whatever it took to get what they needed or wanted. They were willing to have sex for material goods, and they did not realize how the men they were having these relations with were abusing them not only physically but also mentally. These women were degrading themselves by not understanding their self-worth. The diva also dealt with being abused, although it was done in a way that they were attempting to gain higher recognition within society by choosing men with high achievements.

Although they are getting a partner with a higher status, they may not be receiving the commitment that is needed. The women in the NPR podcast also had some horrific experiences that could cause long term mental damage. Slave owner and gynecologist James Marion Sims, known as the “Father of Modern Gynecology,” practiced on three women by the names of Anarcha, Lucy, and Betsy, who are now known as the Mothers of Gynecology. Although these women were enslaved, they were robbed of what could possibly be the last thing they could call their own – their dignity. These women even experienced complete humiliation as Sims performed several procedures on them, which were done without any anesthesia, and he would sometimes invite others to watch. My personal experience with the gynecologist was great. Although these women went through these painful experiments, it paved a way for medical treatment to improve. If it was not for these women and anesthesia, my experience could have been painful and uncomfortable.

Much like the girl from the film “For Colored Girls” who had an abortion that was not professionally done. She accepted these terms because she knew what trouble it would cause with her mother and she was not mentally ready to accept the consequences. Each of the girls in the movie endured some type of mental burden throughout the movie, whether it came from an experience as a child or as an adult. Growing up, I experienced a lot of things, some of which left mental burdens on me and are the reason I do not tolerate certain things. They are also the reason my attitude changes in certain situations and why I understand that some things I must deal with to get by. For example, Crystal Wallace was a mother who was deeply in love with a man who was physically and mentally abusive. She was not in a healthy mental state, but she continued to be submissive to him while trying to protect her children. There is also Nyla Adrose, who was the child of a woman who was abused and set the bar rather high. This character reminds me more of myself because I made mistakes and tried to do whatever it took to fix them. It did not matter what the cost was because I was willing to do whatever to keep my family happy and not to feel like a letdown. Racism and violence are also issues with African American men and women; but the violence against women is not publicized nearly as much as the men. It seems like the stories concerning the women slip right through the fingers of the people in the media, making it more challenging for black women to fight for equality. Women deal with discrimination; black women deal with it on an even more intense level. There is racism and sexism, which makes it hard for them to secure jobs that are necessary for providing for and taking care of their families.

The inability to provide the necessities for their children has led many mothers to seek help from the government, much like the welfare mother. She is often criticized even though she is attempting to care for her children. The problem arises when she has children uncontrollably and relies on taxpayers to assist them. Regardless of their actions, either working or collecting money from the government, black women are often stigmatized and labeled. They perpetually face obstacles and challenges, but it is indispensable to understand the factors that contribute to the anger and bitterness of black women towards certain situations. As a result of abuse, neglect and lack of recognition, the concept of intersectionality was born. These women had to learn how to interlock different characterizations and adapt to certain terms and conditions, regardless of their feelings.

Even today, women are still subjected to rape and abuse. There are laws and counseling available, but some women are unable to overcome the stress. In some cases, similar to my cousin’s, some commit suicide or murder-suicide because they struggle with dealing with their thoughts every day. However, there are others who, despite their abuse, manage to find strength to help themselves and others.

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The Mental State of Queens Who Are Often Called Angry Black Women. (2021, Jun 16). Retrieved from