The LeBron James Skills

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Some people call LeBron James the GOAT for his great skill on the court. Others say it’s his work in the community that really makes him the greatest of all time. Lebron James had many things that contributed to him having an astonishing year. On July 1st, 2018, he agreed to a four-year, $154-million contract with Los Angeles Lakers. He was named 2018 All-Star MVP after his team won the 2018 NBA All-Star Game in Los Angeles on Sunday night. In July, He opened his “”I Promise School””, in his hometown, at the greatest moment of his career.

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There are many other things that contributed to him having a great 2018, but those were the main three.

The first thing that lead to him having a successful year was his decision to a four-year, $154-million contract with Los Angeles Lakers. For more than five years, the Lakers have been putting in their best efforts to attract the league’s top players. James considered the Lakers, he thought about returning to Cleveland, where he spent 11 of his first 15 seasons, and he also considered the Philadelphia 76ers. Eventually, after a meeting with Johnson on June 30th, when free agency opened, James chose the Lakers. He agreed to the deal on July 1st.

The second thing that lead to him having a successful year was him winning his third career NBA All-Star Game MVP award in the 2018 NBA All-Star Game. On Sunday, February 18th, 2018, with him having 29 points, 10 rebounds and eight assists, he helped beat Team Stephen in the NBA all-star game. The Cleveland Cavaliers superstar moved into a tie for the third-most All-Star Game MVP awards, trailing just Bob Pettit and Kobe Bryant, who each had four. He celebrated this win with his children.

The last and final reason he had a successful year this year was him opening his ‘I Promise School’ in his hometown in, Akron, Ohio. The school, a project of the LeBron James Family Foundation and Akron Public Schools, provides students with many awesome perks. According to James, students will also receive free tuition, free uniforms, free breakfast, lunch and snacks, free transportation within 2 miles, a free bicycle and helmet, access to a food pantry for their family, guaranteed tuition for all graduates to the University of Akron. Also, the parents of the students will receive access to job placement services and help acquiring their GEDs. There’s more for the students, there will be a emphasis on hands-on STEM education, with a main focus on developing problem-solving skills, according to the foundations website. Students will also have a later start time for school days and more spaced out breaks to promote year-round education.

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The LeBron James Skills. (2019, Apr 07). Retrieved from