The Impact of Technology on our Daily Lives: Advancements and Challenges

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Updated: Mar 28, 2023
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As a human, we are naturally inquisitive and have continuously asked questions about the world around us. However, there will always be those questions that we just don’t have answers to. With the lack of technology in the past, the scientific method was core to answering the unknown. As time has gone on, more scientific discoveries have led to exquisite technological advances that have contributed to the scientific method. Today, the majority of humans depend on many different forms of technology in order to make their day more comfortable.

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What we don’t always think about is the way the levels of technology differ within different cultures and how oftentimes they have to tackle the same problem in multiple different ways.

Technology influences almost every aspect of our life, and it’s hard to imagine what life would have been like without all the advancements we have today. Most people rely on many different forms of technology and might even find it hard to get through their daily life without them. When it comes to my personal life, the use of my smartphone plays a large part due to its many capabilities. Not only is my cell phone used as a way of communication, but it is also my alarm clock, search engine, social media, calendar, and calculator; the list could literally go on forever. The advancements in technology have led to cell phones being so much more than what we once knew a cell phone to be, which is why they are now widely referred to as “smartphones.” A second technology I rely on on throughout my day is my laptop. Since enrolling in school, my laptop has also become a large part of my everyday life.

Being able to take my laptop anywhere there is a huge convenience in my day. I am able to work on homework, communicate with others, download music, and send e-mails, amongst many other things. A third technology that I use throughout my day is the television. To many, this might not seem like a very important advancement, but everyone needs a form of entertainment in their life. For myself, the television allows me to watch shows and movies that I find enjoyment in at the end of a long day of work and homework. Last but not certainly not least is the automobile. Life without a vehicle would be very difficult in my eyes because it provides you with flexibility, independence, and mobility. All of these technologies have the ability to impact your life negatively. Technology has brought us together in so many ways while drifting us apart in others. The availability of instant communication has led to a lack of being able to communicate face-to-face. Although you could say technology has increased our quality of living, looking back on the days before all these advancements, life seemed much simpler.

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The Impact of Technology on Our Daily Lives: Advancements and Challenges. (2023, Mar 21). Retrieved from