The Future of Technology: Parallels with Victor Frankenstein’s Obsession

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Updated: Sep 05, 2023
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The Unyielding March of Technology

As we grow older, technology gets better, and our need for it expands. Like Victor, his passion for science just grew and advanced greatly. It has become more advanced than we could have ever thought. But will this change help mankind or worsen it? Will we end up like Frankenstein’s curiosity to move forward? Will this bring us closer toward crazier directions? Is this the future of us humans? It does control our daily life.

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We humans continue to be obsessed with the internet. Before we know this, it will be everywhere. Will this direction be good for us?

Think of technology as an insect, let’s say a butterfly, and with society being caterpillars. It is not out of the ordinary for us to change/evolve, becoming better than we can be. Just like Victor, he was a caterpillar wanting to become a butterfly and explore the wonders of science. But just like Frankenstein, we may have taken it too far, and if we become too into technology too much, we may take a dark turn and regret it.

Technology’s Role in Shaping Human Evolution

Assuming that we really are evolving as we use technological products everywhere like smartphones and advanced cars. In the book “What Technology Wants,” it states, “Technology wants: Increasing opportunity.” With this, scientists have made it clear that technology is a moving factor. As Victor proved, life is a moving factor in our world, and doing it wrong will affect us greatly. When it comes to technology, we mainly want to make it easy for us. Wanting to make it greater and greater.Especially with our willingness for comfort. Combined with our technology, it creates a sharp possibility that if careful technology changes will move us toward a distinctiveness. That is the evolution toward pure and more advanced intelligence with the presence of comfort. But the problem with society is that this type of evolution is in our control, and sadly, we are not the best at decision-making.

This is the difference between reality and what is expected of us. Logical evolution is driven by survival. We need technology on a day-to-day basis, and without it, that comfort will begin to change. It’s not perfect, but that is what we have adapted to. Technology has a different motivational force. It involves our self-change, and in the near future, we might as well be made up of technology. With that being said, we are taken away by what we want instead of what we really need. They choose to provide what they believe people will buy.

So, is technology our future? I believe technology is and will help us for the better and definitely our future, and it will lead us in the right direction. It helps keep society on track. It has a job to be there for us rather than just our limited interests in life. It has a chance for something superior. We should also remember our demands are what will determine our future. This is what our future is made up of. It is we who decide how we use it.


  • Kelly, K. (2010). What technology wants. Viking.
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The Future of Technology: Parallels with Victor Frankenstein's Obsession. (2023, Sep 05). Retrieved from