The Evolution of Bilbo Baggins: Character Traits in “The Hobbit”

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” brings us into a detailed world with lots of interesting characters, but none quite like Bilbo Baggins. At first, Bilbo is just a simple hobbit from the Shire, but as the story goes on, he changes a lot. This essay will look at Bilbo’s traits, like his courage, cleverness, and strong sense of right and wrong. These things help him grow from a stay-at-home hobbit into a brave hero. They’re not just important for the story but also make him a character readers can really relate to and look up to.

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Bilbo’s adventure is really all about courage. At the start, he loves his comfy life and doesn’t want to leave his hobbit-hole. But when he decides to join Thorin Oakenshield’s group, things start to change. He’s scared at first but gets braver as he faces all sorts of dangers. Remember the part where he meets Gollum in the Misty Mountains? Even though he’s scared, he plays that risky game of riddles. This moment shows Bilbo starting to face his fears, setting him up to become a brave character.


Bilbo is also really clever. Throughout “The Hobbit,” he often uses his brain to get out of tough spots. Think about how he escaped from Gollum by solving riddles and using the One Ring to sneak away. His cleverness shows again when he tricks the spiders in Mirkwood to save his friends. And let’s not forget his smart talk with Smaug the dragon. Bilbo’s quick thinking helps him survive and be a big help to his team.

Moral Compass

Bilbo’s strong sense of right and wrong is a big part of who he is. While some of his friends are driven by greed or revenge, Bilbo acts because he thinks it’s the right thing to do. Take the Arkenstone, for example. He sees how it’s causing trouble and decides to give it to Bard and the Elvenking to keep the peace. Even though it’s a risky move, it shows he cares more about doing what’s right than about loyalty or getting something for himself. This makes him stand out from the others and earns him respect.


To wrap it up, Bilbo Baggins’ courage, cleverness, and strong moral sense are key to his growth and to the story of “The Hobbit.” He starts off as a simple hobbit but becomes someone brave, smart, and able to make tough moral choices. His journey from the Shire to the Lonely Mountain and back shows how much he grows. These traits make him a character readers love and learn from, showing how important courage, brains, and ethics are in facing life’s challenges. Bilbo Baggins is a character whose story keeps inspiring readers, even today.

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The Evolution of Bilbo Baggins: Character Traits in "The Hobbit". (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from